I usually take a look at the guitar used market here to see what´s been offered, and maybe find a killer deal like [mention]toomanycats[/mention] and [mention]Chad[/mention] seem to find so easy

But I thought it would be interesting for you to see some of the things I see here. I´ll update the thread periodically.
To put you in perspective, $1 equals Bs 260.000,00, and that equals 4 units of bread.
1. First, there´s this Teisco, from the 70's according to the vendor. He´s asking $75. I´ll put just one pic, and the link of the ad if you want to see more pics or info - maybe you can have the option to translate it to english in your browser-. Sometimes the seller doesn´t described it properly - sometimes they don´t know what are they describing!-. If this guitar were offered there in the US, what do you think it would be priced for?
Link: https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ve/ML ... 5db19c0adc