Venezuela´s strange/unusual guitar findings thread

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I know COVID19 and our own situations are changing our lives the way they were. Maybe that´s one factor to consider when saying that our new AGF feels somewhat different. Whatever it may be, I´ll try to contribute a little to hopefully change it a bit.

I usually take a look at the guitar used market here to see what´s been offered, and maybe find a killer deal like [mention]toomanycats[/mention] and [mention]Chad[/mention] seem to find so easy :) , and try to make a profit reselling it. No luck so far.

But I thought it would be interesting for you to see some of the things I see here. I´ll update the thread periodically.

To put you in perspective, $1 equals Bs 260.000,00, and that equals 4 units of bread.

1. First, there´s this Teisco, from the 70's according to the vendor. He´s asking $75. I´ll put just one pic, and the link of the ad if you want to see more pics or info - maybe you can have the option to translate it to english in your browser-. Sometimes the seller doesn´t described it properly - sometimes they don´t know what are they describing!-. If this guitar were offered there in the US, what do you think it would be priced for?

Link: ... 5db19c0adc


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2. Hendrix Guitar :?:

What can I tell you? It is what it is. Not sure if it´s actually a brand.

If the price in bolivares is correct -most of times they´re not-, he´s seeling it for around $50-60.

Link: ... 6777d8c9cb


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Gibson '13 studio dlx hsb
Gibson '79 flying V
Gibson '06 sg faded
Gibson '15 LP CM w gforce
Epiphone Casino coupe
Epiphone dot studio
Fender USA strat w mjt body _w Original body 81
Fender lead II
Firefly spalted 338
Squier affinity tele bsb
Squier strat std relic
Squier subsonic baritone
Agile al2500 albino
Agile al3001 hsb
Sx ash Ltd strat
Sx ash strat short scale
Sx ash tele
Sx callisto jr
Dean vendetta
Washburn firebird. Ps10
Johnson trans red strat
Johnson jazz box Vegas
Seville explorer
Inlaid tele
flametop bigsby tele wood inlaid neck

new Eastman acoustic
Sigma dm3 dread x2 (his and hers)
Fender 12 str
Ibanez exotic wood
Silvercreek rosewood 00
Ovation steel str
martin backpacker acoustic
Johnson dobro

Interesting guitars. That second one might sell for more in the US but it would really depend on how well it played. I'm thinking its basically a hole-less thin body acoustic with a sc pickup?
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nomadh wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:05 pm Interesting guitars. That second one might sell for more in the US but it would really depend on how well it played. I'm thinking its basically a hole-less thin body acoustic with a sc pickup?
For more really? It looks like an hybrid guitar. It would be interesting to play it, though.
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3. Gretsch 6122

As [mention]mickey[/mention] and [mention]brentona[/mention] went to their Gretsch adventure lately, I was curious to know what would be found here on that brand.

Here´s a 6122, priced at $2.200. Not sure if there´s someone here willing and able to shell out two grands and change for a guitar. Is that price in the average zone for it if it were to sale in the US?

Seller says it has TV jhones HT PLUS PU in the bridge, and Súper Tron Classic in the neck.

Link: ... 3c87a2fb92



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4. Gretsch Semi - Hollow Electromatic G5122uc

Another Gretsch.

Seller says it is like new. $1.200

link: ... 3c87a2fb92


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5. Gibson Sg-3 Black

Made in 2007 according to seller.


link: ... 3722e702da


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All I know is 20+ years ago, you could buy a teisco and everything else that was a budget Japanese made guitar for practically nothing. I considered $200 overpaying. Today it’s not unusual to see people asking 2-3x that amount. I have no idea if they actually sell. However, $75 for any guitar here is a deal. A Teisco is at least worth being a wall decoration.

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[mention]sabasgr68[/mention] I figure I would let you in on how I go about viewing the value of instruments that sell here in the states and you can apply that to your findings to know if there is any money that can be made off these instruments that you are looking at. I go to reverb and do a search for the guitar, then the next thing I do is copy and paste this phrase one space bar to the right of the link in your browser... &showsold=true ... then I hit enter. After that I put the prices in order from lowest to highest to see exactly the range of different values that guitar or whatever it is sold for from low to high. That should give you a better idea than ebays ended auction searches. If you want to search for sold listings on ebay to get an idea of what stuff is selling for though, go to the advanced tab in the upper right corner of the page, and then do a search of your item in musical instruments category and make sure you check the sold listing box. It should show you everything you need to help you out. Hope all this helps.
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I'm likely not a good one to jump in on this because (to me) every righty guitar is $1 overpriced if priced at $1.

I could be wrong but based on the the pics in the ad, the 6122 is a lot rougher than I've seen offered for sale used.
Got a big laugh out of the T.V. Jhones pickups. Almost sent an email to Tom to ask if he was familiar with those. :lol:

The ad for the 5122 is priced at about what I would expect my local mom & pop store to price it at new.
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Chad wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:50 pm @sabasgr68 I figure I would let you in on how I go about viewing the value of instruments that sell here in the states and you can apply that to your findings to know if there is any money that can be made off these instruments that you are looking at. I go to reverb and do a search for the guitar, then the next thing I do is copy and paste this phrase one space bar to the right of the link in your browser... &showsold=true ... then I hit enter. After that I put the prices in order from lowest to highest to see exactly the range of different values that guitar or whatever it is sold for from low to high. That should give you a better idea than ebays ended auction searches. If you want to search for sold listings on ebay to get an idea of what stuff is selling for though, go to the advanced tab in the upper right corner of the page, and then do a search of your item in musical instruments category and make sure you check the sold listing box. It should show you everything you need to help you out. Hope all this helps.
Thanks for the tips, Chad!
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mickey wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:03 pm I'm likely not a good one to jump in on this because (to me) every righty guitar is $1 overpriced if priced at $1.

I could be wrong but based on the the pics in the ad, the 6122 is a lot rougher than I've seen offered for sale used.
Got a big laugh out of the T.V. Jhones pickups. Almost sent an email to Tom to ask if he was familiar with those. :lol:

The ad for the 5122 is priced at about what I would expect my local mom & pop store to price it at new.
LOL yes, I know. Will try to see if there´s anything lefty worth mentioning here.

You´ll see, sometimes people price their things way above for what they would sell in the US. Sometimes they argument that if you buy that same instrument in the US, and would ship it here, the cost would be around that amount.
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6. Agile AL3100

Yes! There are some Agiles too. Not many, though.

Guy is asking $600. He´s been years trying to sell it, always a little bit overpriced.

link: ... ef6bbdb82b

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Another Agile

7. Agile AL2000

Guy is asking $220 OBO. He´s been trying to sell it for a while too. This is more into average price territory. It is the 1 5/8 width nut.

link: ... ef6bbdb82b


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8. Taylor T5 acoustic.

$800. Like new, he says, very little use.

link: ... 3f2a04ea36

(He used web pics instead of actual pics of his guitar. ??)

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9. Epiphone Ej-200sce


link: ... 3f2a04ea36


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10. Fender Standard Telecaster MIM

Guy is asking $420.

link: ... 3f2a04ea36


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Reviving this thread....

IBANEZ CONCERT SERIES CN200, 1978 guitar. Guy asks $150. Never knew about them.
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@sabasgr68 that Ibanez is worth more than he's asking and something I'd personally be interested in.

The bad: It's lost its neck plate. It's missing one of the original knobs. It's also missing it's tailpiece. I don't know what it's worth in that condition (these all matter to collectors).
But I'd bet one could double your money on this if you can ship it abroad at not too huge of a cost.
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golem wrote: Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:27 pm @sabasgr68 that Ibanez is worth more than he's asking and something I'd personally be interested in.

The bad: It's lost its neck plate. It's missing one of the original knobs. It's also missing it's tailpiece. I don't know what it's worth in that condition (these all matter to collectors).
But I'd bet one could double your money on this if you can ship it abroad at not too huge of a cost.
It has the flyers super 80 PUs, says the ad.

I've just saw they are on Reverb from 700$ and up for sale. But there's no way he could ask for not even half of that here. He actually lowered his price from $220 he was asking.

Yes, I believe he could get a little more offering abroad, if he could get people interested buying without playing it first. Not sure how much it would be to ship a guitar from here to the US.
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Guy says he has the piece that goes behind the bridge, and that he bought it new back then. Interesting piece.
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@sabasgr68 I've shipped guitars internationally several times. You might be able to get quotes from some local companies but whoever it is likely going to have to partner with someone like DHL, or FedEx at some point. It's kind of a pain but not impossible. I think it's going to be hard to get someone to buy abroad like that for $700 because we don't know when it's going to get here, if we have to pay duties, etc. But I have no doubt a seller can be found. I'd be tempted to try harder to find a buyer in a country nearby to Venezuela though (if that's a possibility). But that assumes a shorter distance makes shipping it easier. I don't know if you live near a border and if the borders are open, for example.
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golem wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:51 am @sabasgr68 I've shipped guitars internationally several times. You might be able to get quotes from some local companies but whoever it is likely going to have to partner with someone like DHL, or FedEx at some point. It's kind of a pain but not impossible. I think it's going to be hard to get someone to buy abroad like that for $700 because we don't know when it's going to get here, if we have to pay duties, etc. But I have no doubt a seller can be found. I'd be tempted to try harder to find a buyer in a country nearby to Venezuela though (if that's a possibility). But that assumes a shorter distance makes shipping it easier. I don't know if you live near a border and if the borders are open, for example.
Just checked wth DHL and UPS, and shipping from here goes from $200 to near $400! :shock:

It really is a bargain for $150.
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UPDATE: Seller lowered asking price to $200. Personally, I´d get (I won´t, of course); I think that he will be willing to take $180.


Another one.

Found this today - well, it has been showing from time to time -. At first the seller was asking no less than $300. Now he published again, and selling price is $250. Is it reasonable for this guitar? Appears to be in good condition, and includes the hard case.

Reverb prices between $300 and $500 doing a quick search. (Just in case, I´m not buying this or any guitar :))

PICS! (low quality)
art300 1.jpg

art300 2.jpg
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@golem is probably the most knowledgeable person I know, for what a guitar is worth.
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