"The Rules Of The Road" - 9/18/2022
The "Not So New AGF" has been UP AND RUNNING since May 29, 2020 at 9:45AM EST. Be civil to one another, be informative and above all enjoy. TALK GUITARS AND THE GEAR THAT SUPPORTS THEM!!! The use of profanity is not acceptable...we are all adults here so let's act like it and please govern yourself accordingly. By posting on this forum you agree to use language that would be acceptable to your Mother. Oh, and one more thing...NO POLITICAL BULLSHEET OR YOU'RE OUTTA HERE. 
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NEW REGISTRATIONS ARE LOCKED BECAUSE OF SPAMMERS! If you would like to join send an Email to Board Support: contact@aguitarforum.net with a UserID, Password and REAL Email Address. Any "Free Mail" including Hotmail, Yahoo, GMAIL, etc. ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Your account will be set up shortly and a confirmation sent in a "Reply".
Any "NEWS/UPDATES" to the Board can be found in the "Board Development Updates" Sub Forum. Please check it out once in a while.

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