Retired IBEW electrician. Been living the dream for four years. We both retired a few months apart, bought a beautiful country home in rural northern Mi. Fishing anytime I want in the big Lund, or the baby Lund, or 30 feet from my man cave door is our pond. Monster hybrid gills, perch to 14 1/2 inches, and bass to 7 lbs. I'm the only guy in our state with two state record fish on the books, even though both are prior records. I'm thinking I could probably get a third one. I love hard water fishing as well.
I personally believe retirement is highly underrated.
Things that make me go
Indoor and outdoor gardening
Huge outside garden 120' x 60'
Planting food plots for the deer
Keeping the bird feeders full
Tying up fishing rods from blanks complete with custom thread art
Tying flies
Supplemental feeding the hybrid gills small floating pellets about 7 months of
the year and then watching them boil the water feeding. Like piranha and fun to watch.
Grooming the trials in our woods
Wildlife photography - over 70 bird species out of 120 or so in Mi, I've been able to get
pics of from my man cave. Or, how about watching a doe give birth to twins, while her
twins from the year prior watched from 50 feet away. My wife and I would have never
been able to witness such an event living/working in the big city.
Mowing 3 acres of yard with my new riding mower. I've used it twice. 54" deck. It so much
nicer than the old Huskee I blew a head gasket on, that it's a joy to run.
Since retiring, I've had much more time for my music. 2 cd's
Watching 2 different food plots I plant for the deer, allows me to watch them all year,
and come hunting season, I know which one that I'll harvest. It's not the big bucks.
They get a pass. It's not does with fawns. Usually a year and half old doe with no fawn.
They are sometimes harder to see than the bucks, but I've got the time. Some years,
I choose not to take one, as the does all have fawns in tow. Pass.
I also collect coins with Walkers and Silver Eagles being my faves.
I'll still pull out the tool belt for family and friends, although there is a reason they call it work.
Some live to work.
Some work to live.
I'm the latter.
Fish on
Passed down for generations in my family
Harpers Ferry 1855