New YouTube channel

Upload your Recordings here...KICK 'EM OUT KAMPERS! :)
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Posts: 461
Joined: Sat May 30, 2020 1:06 am
Location: Finland

Put up a dedicated YT page for my band as it's clearly my main music avenue.

Bad news is of course that it's taken me 10 years to get past 100 subscribers to my own channel, so I wonder if it will take at least half a century to get past 100 with the new one. Only 30 or so subs now, but 3K listens and lots of thumbs up.

Oh well, have to start trying to add new content weekly I guess, maybe just record a new song live at the band room every week.

Anyway, please check it out :
Grunge lives!
Real name: Antti Heikkinen Location: Finland
Web presences: (redirects to Google site)
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