NGD - IYV Mosrite

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I have been saying lately that I have too many guitars and am holding off picking any more up. Lately I've barely had time to play or practice and the last thing I need is another guitar. But we know how that works out. Picked this up today from Mac Discount - which is a warehouse that buys/auctions retail store returns, mostly from Amazon and Walmart. I never bought anything from this site before but when I saw this guitar pop up I decided to bid and won! I've seen this guitar on Amazon and it's never in stock. Apparently the few times it was in stock it sold out immediately.

I've always liked Mosrite style guitars and their surfy vibe but never picked one up. This is also my first IYV guitar or any guitar made in Vietnam. Buying from Mac Discount is a bit of a crapshoot as you really don't know the condition of the product (I think it's possible to pre-inspect products but I've never looked into their policies that closely) so I guess I was really taking a risk. Luckily the guitar is in excellent condition with no noticeable flaws in the finish that I can see and all the electronics appear to be working.

I just got the guitar out of the box a few minutes ago but here is what I have so far. The guitar seems to be well constructed and has nice neck that feels a little on the wide side as well as a little chunky. Very nice. It has a roller bridge which needs some adjustments as the high E is hitting an adjustment screw. It also has a no-name bigsby copy tremolo. The pickups appear to be P90's and are labeled "Destiny CNC Wound" LOL. The tuners seem to work well.

The fretwork initially seems good - they have some meat to them and there is no fret sprout or sharp fret ends. The fretboard is uniformly dark, but I'm not sure what type of wood it is. It appears to have more open pores than what I see with rosewood. The back of the neck is a light gloss - although it doesn't feel sticky. There is good access to the highest frets. The black finish on the body seems well done.

The problems I see initially include a poorly cut nut - I'm either going to try to work on the slots or replace it with something better. The vibrato spring seems a little stiff - not sure how to address that one yet. The action is also a little high - not terrible but not where I want it. I'm hoping the trussrod is functional and I can lower the bridge with no issues.

Overall my first impressions of the guitar are more than favorable. Can't wait to dig in on it a little more. If all the IYV guitars are of this quality then I may want to look into their other models. Below are a few pictures - thanks all!
IYV Mosrite 1.jpg
IYV Mosrite 2.jpg
IYV Mosrite 3.jpg
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Tiga wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:53 pm ...The pickups appear to be P90's and are labeled "Destiny CNC Wound" LOL.
FWIW, the humbuckers used in most of the AIO Wolf guitars is that same pickup brand, although the guitars themselves are made in South Korea:
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So I learned that the body is supposedly made of mahogany and the fretboard is Jatoba wood.
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That looks like a lot of fun. Happy NGD and congratulations on finding a deal!
Buddha Pickups
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Nice 👍
I was seriously tempted but black isn't my color
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Happy new guitar day! I had a Univox Mosrite copy back in the day. It saw a lot of play. I was the guitarist for a local singer songwriter for a year or so and I used it for that gig. I played it through a vintage Univox head into a Fender cab loaded with a vintage JBL. That was some tone to die for. That body style is very light and comfortable.
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I remember seeing the Ramones in a small dive club in Philadelphia and Johnny Ramone power chording away on his white Mosrite. Awesome
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