I bought this 'Green' brand cheap Flying V...it's actually pretty nice. It's oddly thick-bodied but I read on their page they intentionally make also their SG's a little thicker than the original for 'tone and balance'. Well it ain't neck heavy and it's less than half a pound heavier than my othe V's anyway. The color is an almost greenish white and the pickguard is like natural creamy white, not bright white at all.
It has the strangest neck shape I ever saw, it's pretty thick and it's asymmetrical in a strange way, it gets more 'angular' especially on the low E side towards the headstock. Actually really comfy for chording, but obviously it's handmade. Other than those, it's nicely compact, a full 1.5" shorter in total than my Dean V79 for instance. and feels great to play/balance. I'll put in SS frets soon.
Anyway....it has no-brand pickups, opened it up and no markings whatsover...BUT the real surprise...
They sound pretty much identical to my usual 498T:s. I mean, astonishingly close. I can't tell them apart when I record it. When I play it, I feel like this has a tiny bit more bottom - but then again it IS heavier and thicker so maybe that could affect it some.
But anyway...I'm really particular about pickups, and even though I felt like the JB sounded almost the same as 498T I had to change even those to 498T:s....but this....I can't believe how they sound so similar.
Don't take my word for it though...here I played two tracks overlapping of simple test riffs, and it keeps changing between the track made with this and the Dean with 498T:s and man...I can't tell when which is which. No effin' way. If I can find out what pickups are these, I'll damned buy me some.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ygtjef2s ... x2atw&dl=0