Prog Metal Tune in the works

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Location: Parkland Florida
Gearlist: Main Guitars: Kiesel Aries 7, Kiesel SCB6H,
Main Bass: Yamaha TRBX305
Main Amps: Kemper Profiler, AxeFX II XL+, Neural DSP Parallaxe
Recording: MAC,Reaper, Focusrite 8i8 Gen3, JBL LSR308
And much, much, more...

A little prog tune I have in the works - going to collaborate with a Bass Player friend of mine.

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Insane! That's definitely not a work in progress, that's a masterpiece! Quite possibly some of the best shredding I've ever heard from you. You're on fire this weekend :-)
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Is it wrong to feel like I was assaulted the first three seconds of the song? Ooph.

Not my cup of tea but I can appreciate the guitar prowress and work that went into the composition.
Tommy Larson
Steamboat Springs, CO
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Joined: Thu May 28, 2020 11:18 am
Location: Parkland Florida
Gearlist: Main Guitars: Kiesel Aries 7, Kiesel SCB6H,
Main Bass: Yamaha TRBX305
Main Amps: Kemper Profiler, AxeFX II XL+, Neural DSP Parallaxe
Recording: MAC,Reaper, Focusrite 8i8 Gen3, JBL LSR308
And much, much, more...

Thanks fellas... I laughed at the assaulted comment! :)
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Dude you are on a roll "keep em" coming
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