In outstanding condition, a little musty/dusty, but otherwise gorgeous.
Thought I got screwed at first because the guy's power supply wouldn't work, but it was damn clean and the guy said the treble was wonky. I tried it out and home and it was super low output, like a mini Marshall toy amp or something.
Started fiddling with the knobs and it appears the treble pot is indeed messed up, HOLY MOTHER OF EAR DRUM DAMAGE, how does a little 10" speaker put out that much volume...20w of tube power is no joke.
For now I just put a piece of paper folded up to hold the treble shaft slightly under tension. I found a post on TDPRI or something like that and it appears the pots they used are prone to the case loosening up and losing contact. Should be a simple fix.
The footswitch from my Fender SCX2 controls it. All 3 modes work (apparently not a 3 channel amp with just the single tone stack) and everything functions properly other than the treble pot when not shimmed. The rest of the pots work correctly.
I need to test out the headphone jack to see how it sounds, but one doesn't play a Mesa Boogie for the sound through headphones...has a silent recording feature too, again no idea if it is any good.
These were only made a few years in the mid to late 90s from what I have found.
Baltic Birch cabinet is nice and light (~30lb) given the size of the iron and overall size.
Hand made in Petaluma, kind of cool to have the build tag.
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