agile 3100 tiger eye p90

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Ive bought a few guitars from this seller always perfect like new in box, save some bucks if u looking for this agile p90 model
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That's gotta be a rootbeer, no?
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I have too many LP copies on hand, and I just got an idea, cause I have no p90 LP.
I'm gonna try and find humbucker rout to p90 mounting rings, if they even exist....I know...I'll have to rout out wider the humbucker cavities to make them longer...but is there a p90 pickup ring that will cover the old humbucker cavity width?
Time for me to search.


edit: did find a couple p90 rings on amazone. CBGitty makes nice p90 sized wooden rings in 4 wood types. Comments say they work perfect for such a conversion.
Another guitar router job on the horizon.
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Razzle wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:30 am That's gotta be a rootbeer, no?
Looks like rootbeer to me to but rondos calling it tiger eye lol, i bought a tiger eye agile lp once based on pics but when it got here it was yellow and brown lines very ugly it went back lol
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Probably a nice guitar but seems a bit over priced to me. Just my opinion so no need to flame me.
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artandsoul wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:47 pm ... -tiger-eye

Ive bought a few guitars from this seller always perfect like new in box, save some bucks if u looking for this agile p90 model
This doesn't really save anyone much...$45 or so saved to get a used guitar instead of a brand new one certainly ain't any kind of deal. This guitar is currently $499.95 brand new from Rondo: ... ric-guitar

These guitars typically sell for $299-$399 used depending on condition, upgrades, case, etc.
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yeah rondo just put on sale right after i posted lol, was 125 less price than rondo with tax now 60 less, with that seller id say its not really used at all maybe 5 min play time. i bought 6 or more guitars from that seller in past few months there all 99.5 % new in box, he has major gas and buys and sells monthly he takes a loss everytime guess hes rich lol, he just posted a sx hawk semi hollow today. he usually marks prices down after week or 2 if they dont sell and ive got some great deals from him on sx agile and harley benton guitars.
I only buy from rondo on reverb its cheaper than the site on shipping cost
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artandsoul wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:33 pm yeah rondo just put on sale right after i posted lol, was 125 less price than rondo with tax now 60 less, with that seller id say its not really used at all maybe 5 min play time. i bought 6 or more guitars from that seller in past few months there all 99.5 % new in box, he has major gas and buys and sells monthly he takes a loss everytime guess hes rich lol, he just posted a sx hawk semi hollow today. he usually marks prices down after week or 2 if they dont sell and ive got some great deals from him on sx agile and harley benton guitars.
I only buy from rondo on reverb its cheaper than the site on shipping cost
Yeah but even without the sale and at the original price it's really nowhere near priced correctly relative to what they sell for used. It doesn't really matter if it has been played for a year or was opened once to look at and put away, used is used. Obviously a great condition one will go for more than one with damage typically, but not to the point where it's only like 20-ish% off new price.

Either way, not saying that anything is up with the guitar or that it isn't a great instrument...having owned MANY Agiles and still owning 3 currently I have no doubt it's awesome. Just saying that the price is way too high :)
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I am sometimes blown away with Agile prices on Reverb and GC's used gear same with SX.
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redman wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:12 pm I am sometimes blown away with Agile prices on Reverb and GC's used gear same with SX.
GC often actually does have pretty solid deals on Agile guitars, they just go fast and are typically gone within a few hours of being posted. Every single Agile I currently own came from GC Used and for REALLY low prices.
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