THE ROMAN SPRING of toomanycats

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Bonus points to anybody who gets the filmic reference of this thread title. The film in question was based on a novel by Tennessee Williams.

Some of you may have followed the recent drama of my being ostracized from the music scene in Hickory, NC, due to outrageous fortune. We need not get into that here, but suffice it it say that lately I'd been feeling rather down and cast away. ... me+tonight

A Note Just In Case My Stalker Kills Me Tonight.jpeg

Last Monday morning, out of the clear blue sky, I received solicitation to join a well established working band made up of 22 year old guys who were desperately in need of a lead guitar player. They had a gig booked for that Friday, which they had anticipated would have to be cancelled. After talking with them on the phone and seeing their set list I promptly informed them that they need not cancel the Friday gig. I explained that I was something like a guitar ronin; I take on jobs that interest me, I learn the material, and I deliver at the show. After a rehearsal, during which we rapidly charged through a dozen tunes with nary a break, they were convinced of both my sincerity and ability.

We played the show last Friday, which went smashingly, and it appears that I've now found myself the newest member in a band in which the combined ages of any two of the other members still falls short of mine by about a decade. I know it sounds weird, but these "kids" are completely into Zeppelin, Sabbath, Van Halen, Hendrix, Chuck Berry, and Elvis. For my part, I feel like I'm getting to relive part of my youth, specifically, a time in the late 80s when I was playing this exact type of material with guys around this age.

Our next gig is Friday, June 24th, at what is considered the premiere venue on Lake Norman. After having spent the previous year booked most every night of the week in nearly every bar in and around Hickory, it's good to start at the top for a change.


“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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NICE. Playing the "Mick Mars" role suits you.

Have you warned them of your "female fan base?"
"I'm not a sore loser. It's just that I prefer to win, and when I don't, I get furious."
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Rollin Hand wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 9:56 am NICE. Playing the "Mick Mars" role suits you.

Have you warned them of your "female fan base?"
LOL. The Mick Mars thing has crossed my mind.

I don't feel the need to tell them the details about my recent drama. Honestly, I don't want to scare them away by informing them about the very dark place I've just come from, which is the Hickory music scene. These guys are young, living an extended adolescence under the protection of their parents, playing weekend warrior gigs on a circuit that rarely overlaps the territory of the stalker. They are aware that I am well known by the professional name "The Wizard." I've played lots of gigs in their neck of the woods and people just know who I am.

Though the plot device of "the hunted man" is a time worn and intriguing narrative, I didn't want to have to go there. I much prefer writing about pawn shop guitar scores and my rescue cats, as I have spent so much time doing on this forum. I had hoped that this predator would leave me alone after she attacked me onstage, I publicly accused her of sexual harassment and assault, and I fled the city which she claims to own and control. In passively retreating I sacrificed much . . . my job, my reputation, my dignity. There's an old saying advising one to never turn their back on a predator. That is so true. Despite having physically removed myself from their territory, the "female fan base" (as you have referred to it) has continued to stalk, harass, and communicate threats via email and text. Whether or not I choose to be, I am in fact a hunted man.

For the benefit of those completely unfamiliar with my story, my stalker is a mentally deranged, sausage-shaped coquette boomer named Patty Decker. Her equally unhinged employee/criminal conspirator is a millennial named Victoria Calzeretta. To describe them succinctly, they are groupies on the Hickory music scene, loud, brash, highly visible and vociferous, perversely yoked together out of fate, necessity, and convenience. Patty needs Vic as cheap labor, for which she compensates the young "Ho" (Patty's word) with room and board. Vic also serves as cock bait, drawing the young musicians whom Patty desires to hug, kiss, and sexually grope into her orbit. In turn, Vic needs Patty because she is unable to drive, and she also requires an occupation where she can be intoxicated and/or high most of the time. As a combined nefarious force who sadistically utilize lies, threats, and intimidation, this demented pair of groupies possesses more power than anyone who is unfamiliar with the Realpolitik of a third rate music scene can understand. Though I have referred somewhat dismissively to Patty as a groupie, her real power is not derived from possessing the type of sex capital which beautiful woman own, and which has a real exchange value. Her power comes from being an "event coordinator," "manager," and "booking agent." Through these roles she has contrived a means of exerting some amount of control over the local music scene. She leverages this power as a means of forcing psycho-sexual drama on the "good looking young men" after whom she lusts while simultaneously attempting to force sexual contact. In her own words . . . "Meow!" I experienced the full brunt of Patty's diabolical contrivances, for a year withstanding the withering bombardment of her grousing about being lonely and horny, about the "favor" I owed her in exchange for the bookings she got me, this horrendous nightmare culminating in her sexually assaulting me this past New Year's Eve while I was performing onstage at a venue called Waterside.

Just ten days ago Vic communicated threats to me via text. These messages are surely being sent under the direction of Patty. Vic's criminal intimidation is intended to scare me from talking about Patty sexually harassing and assaulting me between February 2021 and January 2022, and subsequently stalking me. There are laws against sending messages intended to instill fear in a person to restrict their freedom of movement. That's called a terroristic threat.

I have sent multiple messages to the North Carolina Coalition Against Sex Assault, but they have not responded to the urgent pleas of Mrs TMC and myself for help. I'm starting to think that this organization is just some type of grift.


After the last round of threats I called the Catawba County Sheriff and they sent a deputy to my home. Mrs TMC and I showed this LEO the threatening texts, along with dozens of emails (there are thousands actually) that demonstrate that Patty is mentally ill and a stalker. She's some kind of schizo with multiple personalities who believes she's my lover. She said it was our destiny to be together because she dreamed it, saw it in her angel numbers, astrology readings, and her psychic reassured her it was so. After receiving these most recent threats Mrs TMC fled her own home to stay with relatives, leaving me here to care for our cats. Before leaving Mrs TMC requested that the Catawba County Sheriff maintain a Keep Check around her property, in case these psychos try to burn our house down. Our fears are not unfounded. I have heard, second hand, that Vic likes to light things on fire. I have had her get in my face and laugh about Jews burning alive. In the past ten days I have not seen a single Sheriff's vehicle drive past our home.

What Vic is referring to below when she threatens to confront and silence me if she "sees, reads, or hears" anything about herself or her boss, are my attempts to speak out as a victim and report sexual harassment, sexual assault, and stalking. Professionals advise victims of stalking to document all communications, contact law enforcement, and let other people know what is going on. I am not on Facebook or any other social media platform. My sole means of publicly documenting this ordeal of being a stalked musician is through this forum, the members of which I consider my friends, brothers, my family. Predators want the victim to be in fear and remain silent. When Vic says, "I suggest you stay to yourself," she is attempting to frighten me into this isolation and silence. "You'll be seeing me again real soon" is intended to communicate a veiled threat of violence. As Victoria is sending this terroristic threat under the direction of Patty, it is a criminal conspiracy.
Vic threats June 2022.jpeg
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“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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Good luck with the new gig!

I do hope the other thing does not get wind of this.
Maybe it knows of this forum and will BOLO, I hope not.
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toomanycats wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 9:37 am I know it sounds weird, but these "kids" are completely into Zeppelin, Sabbath, Van Halen, Hendrix, Chuck Berry, and Elvis.
It's really fascinating to me how many young people (AFAICT) are into "classic" rock* - I mean, this stuff is at least 40 years old now. Were there kids in the 1970s who were into vaudeville or something? I doubt it. (Beyond a few theater nerds, I mean.) But there is definitely a hunger for rock & roll that I think is not being fulfilled by mainstream commercial culture.

* Not all of them, of course. I love my nephew but he likes some terrible, terrible YouTube rappers.
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glasshand wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 11:45 am
toomanycats wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 9:37 am I know it sounds weird, but these "kids" are completely into Zeppelin, Sabbath, Van Halen, Hendrix, Chuck Berry, and Elvis.
It's really fascinating to me how many young people (AFAICT) are into "classic" rock* - I mean, this stuff is at least 40 years old now.
This was our set list on Friday, June 10th:

Rock & Roll
Voodoo Child
Hey Joe
Mary Jane's Last Dance
The Ocean
Johnny B Good/Wipeout
Hard to Handle
Little Wing
Pride & Joy
Sweet Home Alabama/All Summer Long
Lemon Song
Jail House Rock
Ice Cream Man
All Right Now
Gimme Three Steps
Simple Man
I Love Rock and Roll
Moby Dick
Heartbreaker/Living Loving Maid
Ain't Talkin' Bout Love
Comfortably Numb
Lonely Is the Night
Good Times Bad Times
Home Sweet Home
“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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Awesome set list. Especially "Cumbersome". That song doesn't get enough love.

And the singer must be good to handle that wide a range.
"I'm not a sore loser. It's just that I prefer to win, and when I don't, I get furious."
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Gearlist: A tele, a bass and a bunch of other stuff.

That is an impressive setlist. Any videotape from the gig? You might have to explain what "videotape" is to your band mates.
Tommy Larson
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Gibson Dave Mustaine Flying V EXP
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Agile AL3100
Kit Explorer
Jackson JS32RR
Samick Strat
Firefly Semi-Hollow Tele
Globe Dove Copy

Orange OR-15 (Head)
EVH 112 (Cabinet)
Bugera 1960 Infinium (Head)
Bugera 412 (Cabinet)
Peavey VTX Classic 212 (Combo)
Laney Mini-ST Lionheart Practice Amp

That's awesome!
I know quite a few "young folk" that prefer good old fashioned rock and roll.

Hell most of the bands I liked when I was 17 were the bands that influenced more modern bands I liked. Though really my introduction to real music was ac/dc, iron butterfly, the doors, and Led zeppelin. Of course I went pretty deep into punk for a while before I found my way to thrash metal and then delved into all of those influences and influences of their influences and then seriously broadened my musical horizons.
...and then there was that stretch of time with all the LSD :rofl:

Hopefully I can find some like minded fellas in the next few years to jam with, certainly miss jamming with a good cohesive band.
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Now your in a band who's songs are mostly ones
I'd like to hear, and play.
"The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted."
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Partscaster wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:26 am Now your in a band who's songs are mostly ones
I'd like to hear, and play.

Lucid Outbreak will be a stylistic shift from the blues music I have been pursuing over the past several years.

Guided by the belief that it was a mature and dignified manner in which a rock & roller could age gracefully, I had reinvented myself both visually and stylistically as a blues guitarist. In a superficial sense, the beard, formulaic western hat, and mononym "Wizard" were all part of that shtick, almost like a disguise. I purposefully sought to tone down my physicality and hide myself. I didn't want that type of attention anymore. The appellation Wizard had attached itself to me in the year before I met the stalker, who, in her role as manager, pushed the idea that I should exclusively promote myself under that name. It was actually a guy in The Fried Melon Blues Band who began referring to me as "Wizard" during the band member introduction portion of our show. I felt like he was doing it to bust my balls and mock my exotic looks. Much to my bandmate's chagrin, the name “Wizard” gained traction amongst our fans and stuck as a positive branding. It was simply easier for me to run with it than fight it, and I subsequently developed my stage persona along those lines. A lot of people didn't even know my real name, which I found immensely appealing and made me understand why many performers in fact use a stage name. It was quite hilarious how the guy who originally coined the moniker "Wizard" ceased using it once he realized it was increasing my profile rather than making me the butt of a joke.

Apart from reimagining my name and image, I also embarked on the more serious and task of making a deep study of the roots of my roots, which led from Eddie Van Halen back to Clapton, Beck, Bloomfield, the three Kings, and Hubert Sumlin, amongst others. My sojourn into the wilderness of the blues enlightened me to the fact that all the great barnburner guitarists I had so admired in the 80s, the ones who had the whole package of chops, swing, and the dissonance of the blues, were only so great because they stood upon the shoulders of these giants who had rained down their electrified Delta beatitudes.

The reinvented blues guitarist called Wizard.
bor10 copy.jpg

Yet deep down, at the core of my emotional, sentimental, musical soul (and under the beard), there is still this guy.

That guy is a dangerous beast suckled at the bosom of 80s schred guitar, whose mother tongue is Van Halen, and who wants to melt your face with flurries of 32nd notes and neck spanning legato runs. I have always believed that rock musicians have an expiration date and mocked long in the tooth rockers who didn't have the good sense, self-awareness, and self-respect to pull themselves from the shelf after they've surpassed their "best by" date. Last year there was a guy in one of the bands I played in who would hoist his guitar behind his head and feebly plink a few pentatonic notes in homage to Hendrix. An admirable gesture, to be sure, except that while performing this maneuver his shirt would hike up, revealing his pasty belly apron draping down over his belt. I've made a vow to myself that I would never be that guy and would hereafter audit myself for any signs of self-delusion. Yet I believe I still have enough gas left in the tank to be the "dangerous beast" once again, just for a while longer. Lucid Outbreak is likely my last chance to ever stand shoulder to shoulder onstage with young men, bringing that energy, playing balls to the wall rock music, and not making a fool of myself. After this I will perhaps reinvent myself yet once again, allowing music to recede into the background and redirecting my focus upon retrospective reflection of the experiences of my departed youth, for whatever value those observations are worth.

Of all the bands I've played with over the last couple of years, Lucid is the one that's going to allow me to fully unleash myself on guitar and return to form. At practice on Tuesday we were jamming on Montrose's "Rock Candy" and they want to add it to the set list. The singer said he wanted to do RATT's "Lay it Down." They asked me for suggestions of other similar material we could do. I immediately started naming off tunes like "High Wire" by Badlands, "Kiss of Death" by Dokken, Ozzy's "Over the Mountain," Van Halen's "Show Your Love" and "Romeo Delight." These guys are game to play all of that. Plus they're interested in adding some of my original tunes.
“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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Every one of those songs is a win for me. Your band sounds like one I would cheerfully go and see.
"I'm not a sore loser. It's just that I prefer to win, and when I don't, I get furious."
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“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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Is that bass player old enough to be in a bar?
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Rollin Hand wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:16 pm Nice!

Is that bass player old enough to be in a bar?
He appears older than one of the patrons at the bar! :D
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The kid with the drumstick? Let 'im enjoy his beer in peace!
"I'm not a sore loser. It's just that I prefer to win, and when I don't, I get furious."
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“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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Nice again. You guys seemed to be feeling that one a bit.
"I'm not a sore loser. It's just that I prefer to win, and when I don't, I get furious."
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A band I would happily watch all night. Strong, strong work.

Just a thought... I use the F ford all of the time but, whether it be a small room or a stadium gig, it seems contrite on stage for some reason. Call me a prude, I guess.
Tommy Larson
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tlarson58 wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:46 am
Just a thought... I use the F ford all of the time but, whether it be a small room or a stadium gig, it seems contrite on stage for some reason. Call me a prude, I guess.
I completely understand what you're saying about the F bomb, and I agree. There was a time when it was a very potent word, and there were serious consequences to using it publicly. Somebody was really sticking their neck out by using it. The first time I heard Guns & Roses Appetite for Destruction album the profanity was one of the things that shocked me. But somehow over the last several decades the F bomb has gone the same way as tattoos, earrings, and long hair. None of these things have the potency and power they once had as symbols signifying rebellion, contempt for acceptable societal norms, anger, and non-conformity. Corporations and the "straights" have co-opted almost every counter cultural expression to the point where they're no longer cool. I've come to the same conclusion Hewey Lewis did back in the 80s, "It's hip to be square."
“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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Nice playing TMC. Good singer good band.
"The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted."
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Have fun!
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that was very entertaining! Good show 2many
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Here's a little update on our upcoming show this Friday the 24th of June, which has now turned out to be shows, as in plural.

The gig we originally booked for that night is an opening slot where we perform from 7 -8 PM. The headliner is a touring hair metal tribute band. The venue is called Apps and Taps. It's the same establishment in the video posted above, only this time we're not playing in the bar/restaurant downstairs, but upstairs on their big stage with pro sound and light, the smoke machines, house sound guys, the works. I've played that stage before and it's the best venue on Lake Norman. We really need to deliver during that one hour performance because that's the doorway to headlining. We were putting all our focus on rehearsing the perfect one hour set.

The last time I performed on the main stage at Apps and Taps, with local artist Dani Kerr, about six months ago.



However, after this our drummer, who also does the bookings, informed us that he scheduled a headlining gig that same night after our opening slot at Apps and Taps. This second gig is across town at a place called Miciah's, running from 9:30 until 1:30. For context, both these gigs are in Mooresville, North Carolina.

So now, in addition to perfecting the one hour set for the earlier opening slot, we also have to make sure we have enough material to play a full four hours at Miciah's, which won't be too difficult. Personally, I've played untold gigs entirely without benefit of a set list. It's sorta my forte and calling card.

You won't hear any complaining from me about playing two gigs in one night. I'm just happy to be performing with a kick ass band once again.
“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
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I pulled several full doubles over the years. It makes for a nap the next day.
"Will follow through with a transaction when the terms are agreed upon" almightybunghole
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