My Studio Renovation!

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SOOOO...I ain't been around much lately. :)

Besides being busy with our business, I've spent alot of time renovating my Home Recording Studio after my Dell T5500, "The Old Dog", went belly up and my Desk was falling apart after 15 years of use.

First up...replace the computer. Found a used Dell 7910 on FleaBay in amazing condition. Windows 10 Pro, DUAL 10 Core Xeons (20 Total and 40 Virtual), bumped the RAM up to 128GB and it came with a PCI 512GB SSD. Cost $1,200 shipped for FL. I then added FOUR MORE SSDs with Hot Swap Caddies and connected up my external drive enclosure which contains 4 more SSDs. Total 10 SSD Drives.

Next up was monitors. I had been using TWO 4K LG TVs, 48" and 43". My Desk wasn't big enough to keep them both right in front of me so I moved the 48" to the dining room and picked up a second LG 43" to match the one already in service. I had been running the video monitors via HDMI and DVI connectors off the 2GB Video Card. Problem was DVI is nowhere near as crisp as HDMI. So I picked up a 2GB Video Card that supports up to FOUR HDMI Video Monitors simultaneously.

Then I decided on building a new Desk. I do all my work "in the box" so I have no need for outboard gear other than my Presonus DAW Interface. What I DID need was "real estate" to get both monitors directly in front of me. So I picked up TWO table tops, 72" and 60" with the 60" going to be used as a sliding Midi Controller Keyboard Tray. I use a 49 Key Controller but I decided to size it to accept an 88 Key if I get one in the future. Found GREAT table legs that could support all the weight I expected from the table tops as well as the two monitors and a sliding rail kit for the 60". Also I picked up a Cable Management Kit to organize and clean up the typical Cable Rats Nest.

Took me three weeks to get all the stuff delivered plus two days to put all of it together and get it up and running. While I was waiting for everything to arrive, I installed acoustic foam panels in various areas of my 10' x 10' Studio and reorganized other wall pics. I found a shelf in perfect condition in my garage so I installed the 4 Casters from the old Desk on it, placed the Dell on top and had enough room to put the external Drive Enclosure right next to it. The Dell is HEAVY so the wheels allow me to move it easily in case I have to get into the back and do any cable/connection work.

ProTools is most happy...runs like greased lightening with the Dual 10 Cores, 128GB RAM and a total SSD storage system.

Here are a BOATLOAD of pics. I have a bunch more of the actual desk build if anyone is interested or wants links to the various components.

My last step is to "Tune The Room" when I get time over the next few days.

My "Dream Home Studio" is now...ALIVE!!! :)
U.S. Manufacturer Of Musical Instrument Protection Accessories: AxeShield HD, AxeSak HD, AmpShield HD, KeyShield HD, PedalShield HD, MixShield HD, AxeGlove And AxeCap.

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Patrick @LightWingStudios Love it! Great studio. Nice place to play.

Looking at your AKG Headphones, it reminded me of a co-worker - the sound engineer who worked in the Compact Disc plant where I used to work -, he used one of them, and he always told me they were very good HPs. I tried them several times there, and I never really liked them.

I have a relatively cheap Sony MDR-V150 headphones - bought them more than 10 or 12 years ago, and still use them! I love how they sound -.

Anyway, enjoy your place!
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WOW what a great space very nice now send us some of your music I for one would love to hear it.
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Love it.

Maybe a dumb question, but what it the oddly-shaped blue thing on your amp. My first guess was a cat bed.
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Beautiful! Congrats. Nothing like building it to custom specs with your own hands
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tlarson58 wrote: Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:24 am Love it.

Maybe a dumb question, but what it the oddly-shaped blue thing on your amp. My first guess was a cat bed.
That's a Katana MK1 100 watt Head with one of our AmpShield covers. Specifically, the Convertible model. ... -HEAD.html
U.S. Manufacturer Of Musical Instrument Protection Accessories: AxeShield HD, AxeSak HD, AmpShield HD, KeyShield HD, PedalShield HD, MixShield HD, AxeGlove And AxeCap.

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Can you feel the POWER!!!!!!

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Nice set up!

128GB RAM - wow! I have 16GB and was going to increase to 64,. However, I ran Windows Resource Monitor app with a huge project with lots of plugins and virtual instruments and noticed I was only using 50% of the memory capacity.

Are you also doing video?
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andrewsrea wrote: Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:16 pm Nice set up!

128GB RAM - wow! I have 16GB and was going to increase to 64,. However, I ran Windows Resource Monitor app with a huge project with lots of plugins and virtual instruments and noticed I was only using 50% of the memory capacity.

Are you also doing video?
Not doing any video right now but it certainly handle it. It was only a $300 upgrade from 32GB so I jumped on it. This machine can hold 256GB but THAT is ridiculously expensive. :)
U.S. Manufacturer Of Musical Instrument Protection Accessories: AxeShield HD, AxeSak HD, AmpShield HD, KeyShield HD, PedalShield HD, MixShield HD, AxeGlove And AxeCap.

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Wow, incredible job Patrick!! 👍🏻
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Seems you have a tad more horsepower than my Acer laptop:

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.21 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
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Those Boston posters get me drooling ;)
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eicca wrote: Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:49 pm Those Boston posters get me drooling ;)
Picked up the X100 addon in Amplitude based on your review. :)
U.S. Manufacturer Of Musical Instrument Protection Accessories: AxeShield HD, AxeSak HD, AmpShield HD, KeyShield HD, PedalShield HD, MixShield HD, AxeGlove And AxeCap.

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That’‘s an awesome space!
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Recording: MAC,Reaper, Focusrite 8i8 Gen3, JBL LSR308
And much, much, more...

Nice man! Looking really good.
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