Gibson Johnny A

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The other day my band got back together for our first practice since the beginning of the pandemic lockdown, and as soon as I saw our other guitarist, I thought, "huh, new guitar bag", but then he pulled out a new (to him) Gibson Johnny A! I didn't realize then that there were different Johnny A models, but I think the one he got was the spruce top (no Bigsby, no sound holes).

It's really nice - Fender scale length for those who like that, and a chambered body so it's lightweight. The tone seems a lot clearer and more "articulate" than his old Gibson Studio LP. Some of that might be the pickups, which are Alnico 3. Anyway, it's really nice. You don't see these around too much, but I think it's a real winner if you're looking for something "like a Les Paul, but also not quite like a Les Paul".

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I really like those. He is a lucky man.
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