Open Question about Tube Amp real world usage

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Tonray's Ghost
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OK...having never owned a tube amp and considering many options for my 2024 rig I have a couple of questions for the TubeMeisters here

My day often involves picking up a guitar on a whim, usually early morning or late evening before bed and playing for 10 to 15 minutes just to satisfy some urge.

Q1) Would switching on a tube amp several (4 times a day for example) and running it for 10 - 15 minutes each session and then switching it off, tend to lessen the reliability or otherwise be hard on such a circuit ?

Q2) Would be there be any disadvantage or leaving it on standby mode for loner perdiods of time ? For example, turn it on at 8 AM and then put on standby at 8:15 and then on again at noon, then standby, then on again at 9 PM and then finally off for the night ?

Just trying to work out if a small tube amp can fit into my lifestyle and not burn the thing out prematurely by my eccentric habits. As usual, any input is appreciated.
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They're designed to be used. I don't see any issue with turning it on and off several times per day. I do that at times. I would not leave it on standby though. I think standby is just intended for a warm-up period because tubes aren't at their best right away.
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I dont have to replace tubes much at all, and I play mostly 2 of my smallish amps(6w and 12w) at 1/3 to 2/3 volume when I'm alone..comfortably loud. I'd turn it off if for more than 5 minutes.
Good pickups and guitar into good tube amp,..for me Fender-ish clean with some breakup, and I am carried away by just single notes, by "playing it easy" as well as "going for it". It is transcendental.
I've got some pedals that are also lending me tone better than I've ever had. Keeley Halo, and Kingsley PageTS. Plus a Chase Tone Secret Pre-Amp....I've never had sounds this rich. The Halo, I choose to turn down some of the Andy Timmon's supposed pre-settings, and then I'm very much liking it.
"The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted."
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I have done what you are describing to my various tube amps over the years and I have never had any issues attributed to that type usage. There are some more knowledgeable folks here that could lend some info.
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