anyone tried this type of fret dressing file?

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Because we've had a horrendous drought here in San Antonio this entire year, a couple of my guitars have developed slight fret spout. I'm wondering if a file like this would do the trick to get them in shape: ... GhlbWF0aWM

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I haven't tried one of those. I always just file mine individually, but if the sprout is drastic, I see where you're coming from. By the comment in the 2nd picture, it sounds like hand-filing is still necessary after using it though, and that makes sense. So I'm not sure it would really save much time.
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could that take too much wood between the frets?
Maybe not cause it spans several fret ends at once.
I bet you could tape soft abrasive pads onto that file and get even finer polishing finish.
If you can get the file out to flip it around, you'd have 4 file edges to wear down.
It looks a bit like a ski side edge file.
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I think it would work fine. But agreed - individual follow up dressing will likely be required. If it was me, I think I'd just go slow and dress each one individually.
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I have this file block (or rather I made my own) in several different radius's. It is made to bevel the fret ends after you nip off the excess after a fret job. You use this to take down quickly a large amount of material and beveling at a 30 degree angle. I would not use it for fret sprout unless it is really extreme. Even then take great care and look at the work after every stroke. It's very easy to bevel your fretboard/binding as well. I would stick to a dedicated fret end file made for this. I use one made by Grobet. It is a square file about 1/8" diameter and two opposite sides are smooth to ride the fret board without damage.
Can't seem to find this anymore but this one is similar. Won't let me paste the link, but it's on Amazon listed as "Ultimate Fret End File"

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watercaster wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:24 pm I have this file block (or rather I made my own) in several different radius's. It is made to bevel the fret ends after you nip off the excess after a fret job. You use this to take down quickly a large amount of material and beveling at a 30 degree angle. I would not use it for fret sprout unless it is really extreme. Even then take great care and look at the work after every stroke. It's very easy to bevel your fretboard/binding as well. I would stick to a dedicated fret end file made for this. I use one made by Grobet. It is a square file about 1/8" diameter and two opposite sides are smooth to ride the fret board without damage.
Can't seem to find this anymore but this one is similar. Won't let me paste the link, but it's on Amazon listed as "Ultimate Fret End File"

thanks for the tip. may order one of those. ... NrPXRydWU=
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I use both the Guru fret file and his Dagger 2 crowning file—excellent tools …
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I use the Fret Guru file as well it's skinny but once you get used to it the file works great.
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I'd just go to Harbor Freight and get some jewelers files.

If you're hell bent on needing a block aliexpress has em cheaper.
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@idiotsdelight I've never purchased anything from Aliexpress I thought they are shadybecause I collect traditional pocketknives' and they sell so many knockoffs with the real manufacturers logo on them. Are they safe to buy from?
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Its China. Everything's a knock off. I've got a couple Chibsons.

I mostly get Harbor Freight level "luthier" tools for cheap. Cycling clothing, bike parts, tires. I bought a nice set of carbon wheels from Aliexpress. They've been bombproof going on 1.5 yrs. I even got money returned on those wheels because I asked for a matte finish. Aliexpress paid me by the end of the day.

Like it or not China owns our ass.
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As a connoisseur of all types of guitars (including many inexpensive specimens) one of my best investment has been a StewMac fret file. It’s expensive for a small stick of metal, but in the grand scheme of things it is not much to spend.

That, plus some sandpaper and polishing pads I got in a cheap guitar care kit are all I’ve needed to turn some turd necks into perfect players.
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That file seems like it's only for very rough start. If you fine file with that it seems it must rip up the wood also.
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