NBD - EBMM Sterling "S.U.B. Series" Ray4

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Got this guy a few weeks back now, I think around the time the board-which-shall-not-be-named got momofied.

I have a cheap IYV/IVY P-style but I have it strung with flats and foamed the bridge and I really wanted to leave it that way but also to learn how to slap bass so I figured I'd better get another bass. This thing showed up on the local market for a so-so price (not bad, not great) but I loved the look of it and wound up biting after talking to the guy for a while and talking him down a little bit.

I really like it. I don't know that much about basses but it feels pretty good and I love how it looks. It's just got the one active pickup so I guess you better remember to keep a 9v in the bag, but I like it a lot. The one complaint I really have is that the tuners are pretty horrible, they kind of skip and feel worse than even the ones on my super-cheap bass. I was a little worried they were going to break. I might think about replacing them whenever I have to change the strings but that might be a while.

It's called "mint green" but it looks like surf green to me, although in certain angles it looks more blue.

Couple of pics:
it looks blue in this one:
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I have one of those as well. For the money, they're really awesome. I have a Mojotone 2-band preamp to put in it and looks like I'm picking up an alnico Stingray pickup to drop in as well. I definitely would like to find some genuine EBMM tuners and bridge to swap out at some point as well, but those are mostly ok for now.
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Gearlist: SX Liquid. SX Hawk. Sawtooth Tele. Ibanez GAX70L. SX Callisto STD+. Ibanez miKro bass. Jay Turser Pbass. Carvin LB70L.

Replace bass strings?
That's just crazy talk.
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I owned one of those basses for a minute. Mine had the walnut stain finish. I bought it on impulse, sight-unseen, mainly because there was so much buzz about them when they first came out. But by the time it arrived, my level of desire had dropped a few notches. It was a really good bass for the price, but it didn't really fill a need, or bring anything that new to the table, and I got buyer's remorse... I returned it to Guitar Center before the 45 days were up, but I played it for about a month before doing so. It's a good bass... Sounded good, played great! Congrats!
Finally escaping the People's Republic of Kalifornia!

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