Valeton GP 200LT and 4 Cable Method

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Tonray's Ghost
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Ok...whew...after a monster playing and configuration session, and redoing everything over at least twice, here are some findings which I hope will help folks who might stumble across these products.


Amp: Blackstar CV10 (same amp as Studio 10 6L6 with different skin)

Effects: Valeton GP-200 LT Multi-effects pedal

After futzing around with 3 different methods of connection here are my conclulsions:

1) Plug Valeton into the FX Return of the AMP.

Pros: Allows you to use the AMP/CAB SIMS of the Valeton which are really not bad and can take any cheap solid state amp into blissful harmonics

Cons: Disables the Pre-amp controls on the AMP so you lose the GAIN/Overdrive cabapility from the AMP itself as it's bypassed
The AMP/CAB SIMS on the Valeton introduce a bit more noise than the native AMP Pre-amp

2) 4 Cable method
Pros: Allows you to separate the effects (Overdrives/distortions) from (Reverbs/Delatys/Modulations) to get a cleaner tone

Cons: Very Messy as I could only find affordable 10 foot cables and with 4 cables snaking around behind the amp, it's an ex IT network guy's
There may be a bug in the Valeton Unit or perhaps the Blackstar has some quirks, but Valeton says to set the unit's FX loop to Serial for this
method, however doing so you lose all sound. Does not work, no way no how.

Cannot use AMP/CAB SIMS on unit or risk muddy crapola

Pros: Once you setup this way, theoretically you can now specify in each patch where you want the send/return to be. Seems to work OK and I would say the sound is pretty decent....but in'll see in the next option might not need to use 4 cables at all.

3) Plug the output of the Valeton into the Amp input.

Pros: Cleanest of all methods, no muss no fuss.
Only 2 cables needed (1 to guitar and 1 to amp)
As it turns out !!!!! YOU CAN STILL MOVE EFFECTS AROUND TO GET THE BEST TONE !!!!) Even without using the 4 cable method. Not quite the same as #2 but having the ability to put the effects chain in any order you want is HUGE.

Cons: Cannot really use the AMP/CAB SIMS of the unit unless you are running very clean on the AMP in which case some of the AMP SIMS can be used as surrogates for Overdrives/Distortion effects which may be a bit more noisy signall wise.


As long as you are running the AMP as a clean amp without a lot of GAIN/Distortion from the native preamp, the Valeton offers enough flexibility to get some great tones with using the simplest cable connection method.

Another bug (which I confirmed with some other users online in the Valeton is the UNDO/REDO feature of the looper does not seem to work with deleting/reinstating the last overdub in a loop, so I am not out of bounds saying their FX Loop documentation or Loop itself may be buggy with the serial/Parallel option that does not work at all.

That's all. Hopefully soon I can make some patches now and get some stuff sample recorded to demo the new setup. that I have purchased 2 more cables than I actually need, it would seem that I need to buy a couple of more amps to use them..the GASSS never stops
Tonray's Ghost
Posts: 1557
Joined: Thu May 28, 2020 7:14 am

Update: after even more extensive testing and retesting, I went back to the output of the Valeton into the FX Return of the AMP. This gives me the most flexibility of all methods and is still quite simple in needing only 2 cables. I found that once I upgraded the cable to the FX Return, the noise level on the Valeton AMP sims dropped considerably and most are very useable and gives me many options to play with my sound.

So far liking the setup an awful lot and getting back to some nice sparkly tones like I had with my old rig. Can't recommend the Blackstar CV10 enough..sparkling cleans and nice crunch. Great stuff
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I´m glad that you - apparently - finally found the setup that works best for you. Enjoy it!

Sometimes I miss having the little Mustang amp for when I´m not playing with headphones; the PC speakers don´t do it that well.

Looking forward to some sound/video samples of you playing with your "new" sound :)
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