NGD: Agile Harm 1

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2 Harms.jpg
I have to admit a little insanity here. I bought this Harm (on the left) because I love the one on the right. The one on the right was used and already modded (electronics and pickups changed), I added the Les Trem II. And to be clear, this now makes 3 Harms as I have one with toaster pickups too. But I like P90s more than the toasters, and they don't swap. Despite loving the tone of the one on the right, it has very low output, so it's sometimes hard to tease exactly what I want out of it. I wanted to see how the original pickups compare, and give myself a backup when I saw the new one for sale, just about new-in-box with the plastics still on it.

I am not disappointed that I added another Harm. A quick setup and it was all too at-home. This one also has that woodyness that I like, and these P90s have a lot of push. They're strong, but they don't overpower the semi-hollow flavor that makes me like Harms. It's still resonant, which frankly surprises me. From what I've seen, the hotter the pickups, the less it matters what guitar they're in. These don't apparently cross that threshold. I think they play well in the semi-hollow arena, and sound great, even pulled back.

So it makes me wonder what the previous owner of my modded Harm was chasing. Lower output but similar character just makes me want more dynamic range. I might have to mod the one on the right closer to how it came new. The new one, however, stays original I think. It's good as-is, but might get the Les Trem treatment.

Was I crazy to buy another of the exact same model? I don't think so. The Harm is one of my favorites, and you can't buy them new anymore (unless you find them in a probable estate sale on another continent). I had been afraid to mod my already modded Harm in fear that it might lose its magic. Now I can A/B it with a control subject and have a backup for it too. Best of all worlds, or I'm happy to be crazy.
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I like your thinking. A second one for variant testing.

I've got a low wind strat set that sounds great raised up high.
Perhaps they have weaker mags in them, IDK . But they seems to allow being closer to strings before wolf-mag notes cut in.
Low winds also seem good for boost and lighter OD pedals whereas hotter pickups may be too full already.
I like woody, reedy tones.
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BatUtilityBelt wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 4:47 pm ... Was I crazy to buy another of the exact same model? ... I'm happy to be crazy.
I don't think you are crazy. They aren't exactly the same. But then this is coming from someone who bought an SX SST57, modded it... and then bought ANOTHER SST57 because he missed the sound of the stock pups! (And yes, I kept and still love and play them both!)
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Harm 1's are IMHO, Rondo's GOAT. No rationale needed for having a spare variant. I do like the knobs on your original, as i never bonded with the Fender Tele types and also replaced them on mine.
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thepezident wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 9:04 am8q9882.jpg
10 string Harm coming soon
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