Been a few weeks - Product of a Nightmare

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Joined: Thu May 28, 2020 11:18 am
Location: Parkland Florida
Gearlist: Main Guitars: Kiesel Aries 7, Kiesel SCB6H,
Main Bass: Yamaha TRBX305
Main Amps: Kemper Profiler, AxeFX II XL+, Neural DSP Parallaxe
Recording: MAC,Reaper, Focusrite 8i8 Gen3, JBL LSR308
And much, much, more...

So I had a crazy dream where a Demon was after me. When he finally caught up he pinned me down with his foot upon my throat, couldn't get a word out. The wife said I was making all sorts of crazy noises before I finally woke up.

Nuts but it lead to this. Hope you enjoy:
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Joined: Wed May 27, 2020 4:45 pm

That was a crunchy piece of work there! I liked the discordant stuff kinda floating beneath the crunch of the main riff. Definitely captured the feeling of doom in the music...
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