Some slow blues today

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Here's some blues i wrote today along with a Logic drum loop, bass, piano, a bunch of different synths, and an Agile AL3200 played through an Atomic Amplifire.
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Location: Parkland Florida
Gearlist: Main Guitars: Kiesel Aries 7, Kiesel SCB6H,
Main Bass: Yamaha TRBX305
Main Amps: Kemper Profiler, AxeFX II XL+, Neural DSP Parallaxe
Recording: MAC,Reaper, Focusrite 8i8 Gen3, JBL LSR308
And much, much, more...

Not my favorite, but still digging the vibe. Almost sounded like something was out of tune. Maybe it was the detune effect going not sure.
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Joined: Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:28 pm
Location: Steamboat Springs, CO
Gearlist: A tele, a bass and a bunch of other stuff.

I liked the other post's tune better but always enjoy your arrangements.
Tommy Larson
Steamboat Springs, CO
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