Band Recordings

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Joined: Wed May 27, 2020 1:49 pm
Location: Norfolk, VA

Now that embedding is up and running, how about some band practice/performance footage or audio?

I recorded my band's last two practices on my phone. We took a break from the end of March through April due to the COVID. This was our second and third practices since starting up again. We're wearing masks out of precaution (mandated in VA atm).

it's the same set/songs, but i figured i'd include both since you can't see our drummer in the first (it's also backwards) and you get our good sides in the other :lol:

frogs love to eat flies,
the devil's name, Beelzebub, lord of the flies
evil spirits love to spiritually feed upon those whom Beelzebub rules

joined AGF March 20, 2013
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