Vaccination progress where you are?

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Rollin Hand
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ID10t wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:04 pm
Rollin Hand wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:05 pm Case counts are starting to rise in our area, and I have heard that 25 percent of parents in our area are noy vaccinated, with school starting in around a month.

It boggles my mind that anyone would be against something that is clearly in their best interests, and in the best interests of their children. Take one for the freaking team people!

My kids are too young to get vaccinated at this point.
Tomatoes are poisonous.
Don't lie: you're really Tom Brady aren't you.

As for the problems in the USA, I am in Canada. We have some similar problems, but not as pronounced.

That said, healthy skepticism is helpful, but I am not skeptical about this. We have had friends in the ICU with this crap. We also know of people who are anti vaxxers, and to be blunt, they are absolute morons in all facets of their lives. I would rather be cautious and wrong than incautious and wrong.
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So just heard about another early 20’s person that I know tested positive. She had COVID in April, first vaccine shot in May, second dose in June, and now has it again (tested positive as part of an outbreak, no symptoms). Delta doesn’t seem to give a crap about your prior immunity.

BTW, the work environment where she got it was under strict masking protocols. Didn’t make a difference.
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The way I look at it, if you are my age & you test positive, you're dead if you are unvaccinated.
But if you are vaccinated you will have no to minor symptoms. :)
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Buddha Pickups
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Chocol8 wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:52 am
Buddha Pickups wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:21 pm
7. Does anyone know the connection between variants and the vaccines? Were there variants prior to the ramp up in vaccines in January/Feb? Just curious, not being snarky.

8. I trust Fauci as much as I trust a Russian hooker. Why is the NIH and Fauci funding research on making a virus that can only infect bats, transferable to humans...that's a real head scratcher.
There were variants long before the vaccines. Delta didn’t appear until after we had vaccines in the US, but it first appeared in India before most of their population had access to vaccines. I don’t think there is any connection between current variants and vaccines. That might change, but whether we build natural immunity or vaccine immunity, viruses are going to keep mutating. It’s what they do.

As for Fauci, we know from released emails and other documents that he has routinely lied to the public in order to influence behavior, going back long before COVID. Also, before he became a TV celebrity, he was not well respected among infectious disease experts. Quite the opposite. I have two cousins who are MD/PhD’s in infectious disease and neither have a single nice thing to say about the guy. People who are even average in their fields don’t spend 4 decades as a government bureaucrat, and people with morals don’t rise that high and last that long in government agencies.

As for US taxpayers funding research, ANY research, in a Chinese lab, I can’t believe there isn’t more public outcry! The fact that we were funding research into viruses jumping from species to species in cooperation with the Chinese communist government, and the way they ran the funds indirectly to try and hide it should be cause for a major investigation. Won’t happen because it occurred under the watchful eye of both political parties, and no one in DC wants the public to know what they did.
Save for a few foreign studies, I hadn't really paid much attention to the variants until recently.
Re; Fauci and funding this mess. I agree. I can't believe there isn't more outcry about this but I suppose certain news outlets won't ever mention it, and that's a real shame. Not to get political, but it's a real shame how the news has shaped our country with their opinions and unfortunately some fall for it hook line and sinker.

I'm not 100%, but I've read that gain of function was enabled again in early 2016 at the end of that administration...and either way, why our government would partner with the CCP to research essentially a virus that could be used as a bio weapon is just frankly very disappointing.
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Chocol8 wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 10:57 am So just heard about another early 20’s person that I know tested positive. She had COVID in April, first vaccine shot in May, second dose in June, and now has it again (tested positive as part of an outbreak, no symptoms). Delta doesn’t seem to give a crap about your prior immunity.

BTW, the work environment where she got it was under strict masking protocols. Didn’t make a difference.
I believe the vaccine destroys your antibody and tcell stores for that virus as it's attempting to create the protein spike.
But you're right, anyone can get it, vaccinated or not or previously infected or not.

Now how long natural immunity will last I'm not sure. I assume it's similar to a timeline for vaccine immunity. When I say immunity I just mean "lessening of symptoms".
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The whole thing is just exhausting. The unknown, the sickness and death, the anxiety it generates, and the fact that we will all likely deal with it for the rest of our lives.

From a statistical standpoint I should have very little to fear - I am in my early 50s, in overall very good health, fully vaccinated, work remotely, I check all the boxes. Yet I still worry. Within my immediate circle of family/friends and associates, I know of multiple people that have died as a direct result of COVID. 3 of them were under the age of 60 and all otherwise healthy too, and the other was in his 80s and also healthy. I know several who were hospitalized/ICU also in their 40s and also otherwise healthy .

My biggest fear is not getting sick myself, but the healthcare system becoming overwhelmed and the anarchy/catastrophe that would ensue. I was incredibly impressed with the professionalism and planning that went into the surge plan in our hospital network last fall, but it took a huge toll on everyone involved. They are predicting a twofold increase this time around, and I trust our leadership as they assess all facets.

I’d honesty love to be able to just say f-it like the denyers do, but my brain won’t let that happen. And when I see thigbs like our state fair and summer music festivals forging ahead as if nothing was wrong it drives me batty.
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uwmcscott wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:21 pm And when I see thigbs like our state fair and summer music festivals forging ahead as if nothing was wrong it drives me batty.
This thing and it’s variants are going to be with us forever, just like the cold and flu. At some point we need to accept that life is uncertain with lots of risks and return to living it. I personally would rather live my life, go to concerts and BBQ’s and whatnot, and accept a very small risk from COVID than go back to a lockdown and accept a 100% chance of wasting even more of my very limited time on Earth. I am not a denier, but I am also no longer willing to live in fear of a virus that has little chance of killing me.

As far as I can tell, there is nothing we are doing that effectively slows the spread of this virus, especially Delta. Not masks*, not vaccines, and certainly not lockdowns. It’s shocking how fast it is spreading, and I think FAR more people have it and have had it than know, since most have little or no symptoms and are not getting tested. I expect it will work it’s way through the population within a couple months, before we can develop a booster and despite whatever governmental policies are enacted to stop it. The best thing we have is vaccines that reduce your risk of hospitalization and death which is good enough for me, and quite likely the best answer we will have anytime soon. I say get the shot and return to living. You might get hit by a bus, die of cancer, or maybe even die of COVID, shit happens, but it is rare.

*Is there any scientific evidence that masks have any effect on the rate of transmission of Delta which spreads effectively as an aerosol? They were only moderately effective against earlier strains, and the way Delta is spreading it seems unlikely they will have any significant benefit. The knee jerk reaction to mask up and re-lockdown really needs to be tempered with REAL science. All this BS from the last year caused a massive spike in mental health issues partly manifested in over dose deaths and an expected multi-year surge in suicides among other things. We need to make sure the cure isn’t worse than the disease and that the fear isn’t worse than the disease. Not sure we are doing well with that.
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Lets say two people come face to face and both are wearing a mask then what I have read means that they are 70% protected. If only one is wearing a mask then that protection drops to 30% or less, Its worth it to me to help protect my neighbor. The Delta thing has changed these numbers but they are still much more effective than nothing. I fear that as schools begin to open in areas where masks are optional the the children will start getting sick in great numbers and many may die. I hate all of this but when your attacked you must so what you can to protect yourself its just common sense.
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I have this thing about med flights and often check the local traffic via web or app, and sort of wish for a good outcome, even though it could be 3 a.m., and I am in bed!
In each of these flights (unless heading back to base), there is a person in serious need of help.

Of course, during the height of the pandemic there was much higher traffic than normal.
I see the same right now in some southern states.
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A lot of stuff but it reminds me of at least three things.
Alcohol (booze) causes pregnancy and increased transmission of STD's. It doesn't, but some government think tank can point out the correlation between between being drunk and increased risky behavior, therefore it does.
If you (ambulance) respond to a wreck between 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM and don't find a drunk or stonded person, keep looking.
You may have the right (?) to not wear a seat belt in the back seat; but in a collision, you become a missile that can harm me.

So figure my mind out but it ties together with risky behavior and the ability to harm me.
I don't Covid shame or anti-vac shame but I try to avoid risky behavior and there are places I don't shop and people I don't see.
I want to check the numbers but I believe that my area may have a marked increase in vacinations beginning yesterday, we'll see.
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ID10t wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:47 pm A lot of stuff but it reminds me of at least three things.
Alcohol (booze) causes pregnancy and increased transmission of STD's. It doesn't, but some government think tank can point out the correlation between between being drunk and increased risky behavior, therefore it does.
If you (ambulance) respond to a wreck between 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM and don't find a drunk or stonded person, keep looking.
You may have the right (?) to not wear a seat belt in the back seat; but in a collision, you become a missile that can harm me.

So figure my mind out but it ties together with risky behavior and the ability to harm me.
I don't Covid shame or anti-vac shame but I try to avoid risky behavior and there are places I don't shop and people I don't see.
I want to check the numbers but I believe that my area may have a marked increase in vacinations beginning yesterday, we'll see.
You have reminded me that my mother would never wear a seat belt in a car.
I asked her about that (many times) and she would always reply:
"I could have a wreck & be knocked out. Strapped into the seatbelt I couldn't escape from a burning car!"

I would always ask her: "How many unconscious people have you ever seen running from a burning car?"

She never answered that question.
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MichaelR wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:12 pm Lets say two people come face to face and both are wearing a mask then what I have read means that they are 70% protected. If only one is wearing a mask then that protection drops to 30% or less, Its worth it to me to help protect my neighbor. The Delta thing has changed these numbers but they are still much more effective than nothing. I fear that as schools begin to open in areas where masks are optional the the children will start getting sick in great numbers and many may die. I hate all of this but when your attacked you must so what you can to protect yourself its just common sense.
1) find a real peer reviewed study that shows those numbers

2) find a study that confirms that for Delta.

I would bet the actual protection from Delta is a fraction of those numbers, if not effectively zero.
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Unfortunately looks like the vaccines have little to no impact on the upcoming Lambda variant... ... 00413.html
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MichaelR wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:12 pm Lets say two people come face to face and both are wearing a mask then what I have read means that they are 70% protected. If only one is wearing a mask then that protection drops to 30% or less, Its worth it to me to help protect my neighbor. The Delta thing has changed these numbers but they are still much more effective than nothing. I fear that as schools begin to open in areas where masks are optional the the children will start getting sick in great numbers and many may die. I hate all of this but when your attacked you must so what you can to protect yourself its just common sense.
Wearing a mask does something extremely effectively that prevents infection in many cases: it simply prevents you from infecting yourself by preventing you from touching your nose and mouth. We unconciously touch are faces hundreds a times per day, many times after touching a doorknob or other surface that's been slathered with microbes from the last person to touch it. When I am out and about with the mask, I am extremely aware of the mask and try never to raise my hands to my face (even with an itchy nose). As soon as I return home, I scrub my hands with germicidal soap (likely any soap will do) and then and only then do I remove my mask and dispose of it properly (tear off the strings so as to not harm wildlife sho could be tangled in them.)

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Tonray's Ghost wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:10 pm Wearing a mask does something extremely effectively that prevents infection in many cases: it simply prevents you from infecting yourself by preventing you from touching your nose and mouth. We unconciously touch are faces hundreds a times per day, many times after touching a doorknob or other surface that's been slathered with microbes from the last person to touch it. When I am out and about with the mask, I am extremely aware of the mask and try never to raise my hands to my face (even with an itchy nose). As soon as I return home, I scrub my hands with germicidal soap (likely any soap will do) and then and only then do I remove my mask and dispose of it properly (tear off the strings so as to not harm wildlife sho could be tangled in them.)

Masks and not touching your face work great on the flu and other viruses that spread in large droplets. COVID mostly spreads as an aerosol and is not significantly impacted by such measures. That’s why we had virtually no flu season this winter, while COVID peaked in January.
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uwmcscott wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:21 pm
My biggest fear is not getting sick myself, but the healthcare system becoming overwhelmed and the anarchy/catastrophe that would ensue. I was incredibly impressed with the professionalism and planning that went into the surge plan in our hospital network last fall, but it took a huge toll on everyone involved. They are predicting a twofold increase this time around, and I trust our leadership as they assess all facets.
It took one of wife's friends 5 hours to find a hospital that would take her with a burst appendix, and she had to drive an hour to get there. That is one of my biggest fears about the whole mess is that if something bad does happen, getting medical help will be tricky.

My wife and I went to Memphis this weekend, and after having a layover in Atlanta twice, if I didn't have it before, I have it now. I have never seen the airport that packed in all my years of flying. 99% of people were wearing a mask, but with that many people I don't think it mattered one bit. I don't see how they were making a big deal about Sturgis being a super-spreader event, when nearly every airport in America is a 24 hour super spreader event.
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Lagging...I'm due for 2nd shot in about a month, grandparents have had two. Next week our 16 year old is getting his first, so second 3 months later. Have no idea when the 11 year old will get his...probably sometime next year. I guess the plan is to vaccinate most people before end of 22. There's talk of a third shot as well, also with 3 months interval.

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Fender lead II
Firefly spalted 338
Squier affinity tele bsb
Squier strat std relic
Squier subsonic baritone
Agile al2500 albino
Agile al3001 hsb
Sx ash Ltd strat
Sx ash strat short scale
Sx ash tele
Sx callisto jr
Dean vendetta
Washburn firebird. Ps10
Johnson trans red strat
Johnson jazz box Vegas
Seville explorer
Inlaid tele
flametop bigsby tele wood inlaid neck

new Eastman acoustic
Sigma dm3 dread x2 (his and hers)
Fender 12 str
Ibanez exotic wood
Silvercreek rosewood 00
Ovation steel str
martin backpacker acoustic
Johnson dobro

Buddha Pickups wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:34 pm Unfortunately looks like the vaccines have little to no impact on the upcoming Lambda variant... ... 00413.html
I'm most worried about the new Phi Beta Kappa variant. I hear it's the most clever.

So where is that herd immunity we were supposed to have?
I guess we just heard we have immunity,
But we dont? :)
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Fender lead II
Firefly spalted 338
Squier affinity tele bsb
Squier strat std relic
Squier subsonic baritone
Agile al2500 albino
Agile al3001 hsb
Sx ash Ltd strat
Sx ash strat short scale
Sx ash tele
Sx callisto jr
Dean vendetta
Washburn firebird. Ps10
Johnson trans red strat
Johnson jazz box Vegas
Seville explorer
Inlaid tele
flametop bigsby tele wood inlaid neck

new Eastman acoustic
Sigma dm3 dread x2 (his and hers)
Fender 12 str
Ibanez exotic wood
Silvercreek rosewood 00
Ovation steel str
martin backpacker acoustic
Johnson dobro

Floridian FX wrote: Sat Aug 14, 2021 8:12 am
uwmcscott wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:21 pm
My biggest fear is not getting sick myself, but the healthcare system becoming overwhelmed and the anarchy/catastrophe that would ensue. I was incredibly impressed with the professionalism and planning that went into the surge plan in our hospital network last fall, but it took a huge toll on everyone involved. They are predicting a twofold increase this time around, and I trust our leadership as they assess all facets.
It took one of wife's friends 5 hours to find a hospital that would take her with a burst appendix, and she had to drive an hour to get there. That is one of my biggest fears about the whole mess is that if something bad does happen, getting medical help will be tricky.

My wife and I went to Memphis this weekend, and after having a layover in Atlanta twice, if I didn't have it before, I have it now. I have never seen the airport that packed in all my years of flying. 99% of people were wearing a mask, but with that many people I don't think it mattered one bit. I don't see how they were making a big deal about Sturgis being a super-spreader event, when nearly every airport in America is a 24 hour super spreader event.
It's pure politics. " Never let an emergency go to waste". All summer long protests and riots were ok but backyard bbq were murderous super spreader events. We all need to go back into hiding, masks, lockdowns, Meanwhile we are bussing thousands of covid positive boarder jumpers all over the us.
It was "those stupid trump supporters not vaxxing that's causing the rise. Then the numbers show its lots of blacks and Hispanics (latinx????) And school teachers?!? So suddenly the media shuts up. Hydroxychorloquine being proven innegectivebor even "dangerous". You look up the studies and see they were overdosing patients. Then quietly the studies proving it didnt work were proven false.
Now they love to tell the number of infections without a word on how many actually sick.
They push the panic that deaths are up 150%
But no numbers. Later find out it went from 1 to 3 persons.

So basically just yell SCIENCE at us then demand we do whatever they tell us.
The media lies when they talk and they lie when they are silent. They are so good at it they even lie when telling the truth.

The virus can be dangerous but it's far from the most dangerous thing to worry about currently.
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Fender lead II
Firefly spalted 338
Squier affinity tele bsb
Squier strat std relic
Squier subsonic baritone
Agile al2500 albino
Agile al3001 hsb
Sx ash Ltd strat
Sx ash strat short scale
Sx ash tele
Sx callisto jr
Dean vendetta
Washburn firebird. Ps10
Johnson trans red strat
Johnson jazz box Vegas
Seville explorer
Inlaid tele
flametop bigsby tele wood inlaid neck

new Eastman acoustic
Sigma dm3 dread x2 (his and hers)
Fender 12 str
Ibanez exotic wood
Silvercreek rosewood 00
Ovation steel str
martin backpacker acoustic
Johnson dobro

Tonray's Ghost wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:10 pm
MichaelR wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:12 pm Lets say two people come face to face and both are wearing a mask then what I have read means that they are 70% protected. If only one is wearing a mask then that protection drops to 30% or less, Its worth it to me to help protect my neighbor. The Delta thing has changed these numbers but they are still much more effective than nothing. I fear that as schools begin to open in areas where masks are optional the the children will start getting sick in great numbers and many may die. I hate all of this but when your attacked you must so what you can to protect yourself its just common sense.
Wearing a mask does something extremely effectively that prevents infection in many cases: it simply prevents you from infecting yourself by preventing you from touching your nose and mouth. We unconciously touch are faces hundreds a times per day, many times after touching a doorknob or other surface that's been slathered with microbes from the last person to touch it. When I am out and about with the mask, I am extremely aware of the mask and try never to raise my hands to my face (even with an itchy nose). As soon as I return home, I scrub my hands with germicidal soap (likely any soap will do) and then and only then do I remove my mask and dispose of it properly (tear off the strings so as to not harm wildlife sho could be tangled in them.)

Pretty sure I've never touched my face more than when wearing a mask.
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This thread title should read "People To Block".
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And it’s now official, we need to get the first booster shots. I am betting most will get Delta before the booster is available, but few will even know they had it. At this point, my magic 8 ball is predicting COVID boosters to become something akin to the annual flu shot. Hopefully it just annual, and hopefully it has a higher effectiveness than the flu shot.
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I heard the Pfizer doses were already made, and purchased by the US Gov "just in case".
AT least one city is requiring VACC proof and ID to enter grocery store, I think (but not sure) without accepting proof of recent negative test or past positive test (proof of antibodies / natural immunity). You know, "the science".
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jtcnj wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:25 pm I heard the Pfizer doses were already made, and purchased by the US Gov "just in case".
AT least one city is requiring VACC proof and ID to enter grocery store, I think (but not sure) without accepting proof of recent negative test or past positive test (proof of antibodies / natural immunity). You know, "the science".
Well, that is the problem isn't it? Regardless of what rules your city/county/state/nation set,
they are set by politicians, not scientists. Bummer.
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mickey wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:58 pm
Well, that is the problem isn't it? Regardless of what rules your city/county/state/nation set,
they are set by politicians, not scientists. Bummer.
Worse yet, they are set by the party in power at the time...
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