I couldn't retrieve my avatar from the old AGF board, so I went to the net for a similar one. Without forethought of the potential results I typed in my search query...
Never run a search for "turkish snatch."
How's that for a first post?
A tip from me to you...
- sabasgr68
- Reactions:
- Posts: 1477
- Joined: Wed May 27, 2020 10:11 pm
- Location: Venezuela, Caracas
- Gearlist: Mossman Sunking Strat (model MN001) - Zoom G3xn - My hands
- Contact:
You´re welcome!
I´m the guy from Venezuela (Not Communist/Socialist) - Catholic - Husband - Father
Looking for online/remote job - Income on the internet
Always grateful to the AGF community and friends
AGF refugee - Banned by MOMO
Looking for online/remote job - Income on the internet
Always grateful to the AGF community and friends
AGF refugee - Banned by MOMO