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Yesterday afternoon was fun. Went to the post office to get the mail... hadn't fired up my SUV for a few days, so it had quite a pile of snow on 'er, so I decided to "go for a rip" down a country road south of town to blow it off. There was a Half-ton driving front of me, about 75 yards up... through the blowing snow I seen something dark fly out of the ditch on the drivers' side, whack right into the side of that rig, rear quarter panel, looked like. I was like "WTF was that?!" Truck just kept a-goin'... didn't even slow down.

Get up a little closer, stopped to look... Turns out some mentally-challenged grouse had decided to commit birdicide, now laying there on the road bleeding and flapping around a little bit. Obviously a goner so I dispatched it, got an idea and threw it on my floormat to fetch it home. Grouse was still warm when I processed it, threw the guts off the back deck for them local cats that keep prowling my bird feeder. But you know I kept the good stuff. Actually, quite a lot of breast on these things, for how much there is to 'em overall.


My breasts may not look too impressive here, but this is quite a large frypan. Depending on the camera angle you can make smallish breasts look
quite a bit larger than they actually are. We see this on Instagram quite a lot. Needless to say my wife wasn't super-thrilled arriving home from work to my announcement of road-kill for supper... But dang it, dredged in milk and seasoned flour, then repeated... and crispy-fried with my signature veggiefied-rice on the side, even she agreed it ended up being a right tasty meal.

Ok, so now you know some of what fuels me and my creative energies, here's what went down in the StrapLab today. Know the old announcers' warm up? "Red Leather, Yellow Leather?" Years ago when I went to radio school, we learned that. Also "Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry" Got some of that yellow leather in the mail yesterday, just in time for todays job! This is for Busy Jimi's brother


Looking pretty fast, amiright? Laid out a couple of bright yella stripes on a 3.25" wide padded black leather base, and sewed em on.


Who's Busy Jimi, you might ask? Well his brother sent me this pic and asked me for a strap suggestion for a Christmas gift.


Had a crazy dream that night, ws kind of Crossroads-ey, meets Zoolander and this photo pretty much sums it up.


So I told the brother, "Pimp guitar NEEDS Pimp strap." Which he quickly agreed was both absolute truth and wisdom combined.
Apparently, Busy Jimi is a local bluesman of some repute... even if he did order himself that Sully custom, so...


Man that was a fun one! I kept saying Jungle Jimi in my head tho

Anyway, back to the yellow racing stripes... this is for Busy Jimi's brother, as he's greedily getting one for himself too.
Destination gat for this strap is this monsterously sweet axe, not Micheal Sweet tho, but that'd be pretty cool, amiright? LOL! Testify!
Check those crazy box inlays... I love the clear backplate too... done that on one of my guitars once, red springs too. Some might remember.


And not a couple hours later of padding, lining, stitching and hole punching... Voila! Meet "Sweet Racer!"


Gave it a test run. I'll be danged if it didn't speed up my sloppy shredpeggios by about 23%. That's the awesome power of a Well-Hung strap.
Been working pretty hard, lot of custom work. Post stuff near daily on Well-Hung F-book and elsewhere. It's harder to post these kinds of posts here, sort of difficult, so I don't too often. But if you're still reading this thread only, thank you but my apologies, you won't see all the fun. Maybe you don't want to LOL! Still time to get both your stocking AND your guitar Hung for Christmas, or your brother. Go check the Reverb store!

Hmmmm, finished up a tad early today. Wonder if I should go for a drive and see what's for dinner?
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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@TVvoodoo This phrase is redundant:
mentally-challenged grouse
They are not a very wise creature
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Yes, probably the slur birdbrain directly attributable to them. Quite yummy tho
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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Battlin' a busted camera, a contractor bangin' away at the floor atop my head, a video edit program crashing my aging desktop after every third or fourth action, and a terrible web connection that took a full seven hours to upload a 20 min. vid. Sheesh!

Unfortunately perhaps a first over maybe eight or nine years of doing this, I don't think any AGF award-winners this year, there were a few entries among about 65 ballots. Thank you to those Well-Hungians here who I've worked with past/present/future ... y'all know who y'all's are!
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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So far in 2023 I've built some interesting things.
I built one of these for my gem-encrusted paisleycaster, and put a couple in the store.

It's no easy feat to match a strap for a pink paisley guitar

I found some fresh velocitrator leather stashed in the StrapLab Leather Library!

No Prisoners "The Enforcer"

The Gentleman (would it be suitable for anyone here at AGF? OK, maybe a few of you LOL!)

Still trying to get racing stripes perfected. It's hard!

Couple of matching Star Power "Blizzard" straps for a band that does the matchy-matchy thing

"Mother Popcorn" and "Galveston" - two new 1969 series versions

"Beast Mode"

Took a stab at hand-dying a snake pattern on a white base... can't find rattlesnake print leather anywhere.
The result was "The Rattler"

Oh and I got this thing a-twangin' - here's a completely inappropriate test drive

Hope the you all got your Valentines Day plans all worked out.
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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Nice looking straps!
"Will follow through with a transaction when the terms are agreed upon" almightybunghole
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Thank you Jeff! Nice to see you in the acquisition game again LOL
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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Been a lonnnnnnng project for me...weeks, months and years later, she's finally buttoned up and twangin' fer realz. OK not much actual twang via a bladebucker on there... and man-oh-man the edges were sharp on that thing! Endured it for 3 play sessions before I got fed up, threw it on the bench, did some masking then just dremelled the last 1/8" of the top ends of the rails to a downward curve - no more chewing the thumby part of my palm into hamburger meat... mod done with no apparent detriment to the signal chain, thankfully.

This is my eighth serious guitar refinish/renovation, perhaps my most ambitious. I've posted this in a number of places over the past few days showing it off getting pretty mixed reaction! This sort of thing might not be an instrument most of you would choose to hang in your space, but it is my belief every guitarist should have one cuckoo/crazy guitar in the stable! Or if you know me, maybe a few LOL!


Still pics can't show the crazy intense sparkle effect, I'll take some sunlit video this summer. 'Til then, just glad this project has finally crawled across the finish line. Seriously I started this one maybe four years ago. It took me about a year to finally figure out how best to attach the crystal stones. Then I hummed and hawed for half a year then waited until summer to grind out the belly carve in my yard.

Now it's together, I am so pleased that it's dead quiet when it's supposed to be, otherwise fun to look at, fun to hold and a pleasure to play. It has been blessed with super sustain too for whatever reason! Sometimes when a partscaster comes together, you can hope, but just never know what's going to happen.


Maybe it's all them friggin' tone stones!


Mixed this custom dye colour up from leather dyes I had around here, of which I have plenty you might know!


It also sports jumbo strap buttons of my own design, which I believe are the ultimate straplock killers.


The "Paisley Royale" crystal gemcaster fulfills my goal to create an outrageous,
one-of-a-kind paisley telecaster to fill the once-empty sparkle guitar hole in my harem.
Sparkly & groovy at the same time. Mixing gold/chrome hardware was intentional.
Four years on this, many hours. Much of it a lockdown project, particularly the thousands of individually-placed tiny crystal gems.
Somewhere around 26,000 by rough estimate. Actually figuring out how to handle/manage the gems was one of the bigger challenges,

Could only lay in about one square inch at time for the UV glue process. After an hour, with maybe two square inches complete, my eyes would go all buggy so I'd just have to walk away. Plus the extra strong reading glasses I was using would give me a headache and make me kinda woozy LOL


If I had to do it again, I would carve down slightly about 1/16" all around the edge on the top, so you could fit the first two rows of stones just below, or level with the actual top of the guitar...then they wouldn't stand up and out right on the edge so much.

I secured the outside edge with a couple of extra layers of UV glue on the outside and the first few rows. It smoothes it a bit but it's not really ideal. But a couple times I had to remove gems to redo the pattern, or fix a mistake and I can vouch that UV glue has some hold. On the flats, they all lock each other down, and it doesn't feel sharp or irritating on the hand, thankfully. My third partcaster, I think I'm finally good for teles. I already have another project in mind.

Hope you dig it, but I know some of you won't LOL!

Happy Saturday my brothers!
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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@TVvoodoo I think I would like to purchase the Release the Hounds strap with the brown lightning bolt. Message me please.
"Will follow through with a transaction when the terms are agreed upon" almightybunghole
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TVvoodoo wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:00 pm
Hope you dig it, but I know some of you won't LOL!
Amazing guitar! congrats its a 1 of a kind id want 999.00 for it if it was a sqiuer bullet tele. prince would smile but liberace would beg for it :lol: . its very unique and thats my style dam the norm crap do something amazing and you did!

yeah everyone will hate it just mail it to me for free youll feel better tomorrow lol
"Nationwide, on average 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2023. 54% of adults have a literacy below 6th grade level" Now I know whats wrong with people lmao
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You put a lot of work into that guitar! Very nice.
"Will follow through with a transaction when the terms are agreed upon" almightybunghole
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Thank you @tonebender !!I PMd ya

@artandsoul ... couldn't part with it but I am having trouble finding a matching cape and bedazzled candelabra!
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Gearlist: My Gear:Electric
Gibson '13 studio dlx hsb
Gibson '79 flying V
Gibson '06 sg faded
Gibson '15 LP CM w gforce
Epiphone Casino coupe
Epiphone dot studio
Fender USA strat w mjt body _w Original body 81
Fender lead II
Firefly spalted 338
Squier affinity tele bsb
Squier strat std relic
Squier subsonic baritone
Agile al2500 albino
Agile al3001 hsb
Sx ash Ltd strat
Sx ash strat short scale
Sx ash tele
Sx callisto jr
Dean vendetta
Washburn firebird. Ps10
Johnson trans red strat
Johnson jazz box Vegas
Seville explorer
Inlaid tele
flametop bigsby tele wood inlaid neck

new Eastman acoustic
Sigma dm3 dread x2 (his and hers)
Fender 12 str
Ibanez exotic wood
Silvercreek rosewood 00
Ovation steel str
martin backpacker acoustic
Johnson dobro

That is wild. Now you're all set for your muse cover band. Or maybe a liberache cover band?. :)
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Been awhile, little update on my work, if anyone is interested!

First off, most important... Pro-Pins, another small redesign, to make the less sticky-outy by 2mm
three finishes three pairs.jpg
three pairs, three colours standing up.jpg
As you can see, now available in Black and Gold, a well as the typical Nickel

recent Custom for Tom in South Caroline for his sonic blue custom shop


Viral vector is pretty sexy


Another super-custom for this purple Iris PRS




Swamp Cowboy is pretty badass


Mongo, from the No Prisoners Line


Lunch with Lucifer was fun


Basically been strapping most every day, some repeats, new Shock & Awes etc, genocide skull straps etc.
And for three months running another Rock Survivor game called Game of Toanz on the Tone Rooms,
which is finally over THANK GOD!

Oh and I also made one for myself... suitably pimp for this sparkle paisley I built


Hope all my AGF brothers are fine and good... looked around, didn't see much drama here, I guess that's good LOL
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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You do amazing things Brad!
"Will follow through with a transaction when the terms are agreed upon" almightybunghole
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Thank you so much Jeff, very kind.
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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New Pro-Pins! Woohoo! That "Lunch with Lucifer" strap is hot!
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Hope all you intrepid AGF'rs are doing fine, and settled in for winter!
A few straps I've made in the past while, plus an exciting internet event announcement!

New Basket Case in saddle brown

Axe Warrior is kind of a new invention of mine, I think it's a game changer anyway.

Recent custom EVH Franky stripe, with relic'd hardware built in too

This was weird! Tried to confirm, but I suspect it's another @JeffBeck situation :lol:

Still proud to serve big stage stars and basement stars both!

Also want to quickly announce another internet guitar-focused forum game I'm starting in a week


Much more guitar playing focused than AGF Survivor was, but I'm doing my best to keep the playing field
level for all skill types. It'll stretch you as a player, make you more creative, and expect to laugh like
crazy with the rest of us. DAW skills usefull, but at the very least a looper required and ability to upload
and post clips audio, and/or video. Minimum. 1 min. submissions, no cap.

Ten main challenges, five weeks to complete each challenge. First to 100 points wins. But it won't be easy.


Firmly rock music-focused, with twists, and plenty of time to work up submissions.
Also, opportunity to take part in side-games called Guitar Duels offering huge points.


You can drop in and out anytime, select your challenges, but only pre-registered players can take part
in the Guitar Duel nuttiness, which are designed to reward creativity and showmanship more than raw shred skills.


PM me if interested. Pre-registration over the next six days or so.
No cost, but big rewards in guitarman camaraderie and belly laffs
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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I have neglected to contact you in a long long time, and now I have a major crisis brewing. 5-6 weeks ago, I received a new Agile AD. Today I am receiving another one. Guess what I don't have for either of them? That's right, an awesome strap!!! (Or the right gauge strings, but that's another issue!)

I will look through the Reverb inventory, but if you are interested in a custom project or two to fill this thread or post on TGP, let's brainstorm and talk! Black is stock photo, the middle 2ts is the other new one...oh and that tobacco AL-3000 has a generic strap and might need an upgrade as well!
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Still ten days left to get in on RiffMasters https://www.thetonerooms.com/threads/an ... ost-434445Challenge #1

Which is pretty simple.
1. Tell us why you first picked up the guitar
2. list your three first songs you could mostly play through
3. post a 1:00 minimum clip, of one of the first three songs you played, as you'd play today

Here was my submission. kind of embarrassing, but that's how it went.
first three songs, John denver, Rocky Mtn High, Sunshine on my Shoulders, and Sister Golden Hair

https://www.thetonerooms.com/threads/an ... ost-435191

Any honest try at it, worth 5 points minimum.
There is also a fun side quest... "I'd Tap That" which is good for a single point
Submit minimum :30 of EVH style tapping to a backing track.

Anyone here interested in a year of somewhat casual guitar fun that will challenge you, and
be good for some laffs, meet some like-minded folks, join up!
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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Been forever since I've checked this thread. Prob not even this site. Your pics are amazing Brad, as well as the straps. I still have my Firebird strap from 10yrs? ago, among a few others. Keep it up!
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Hello my old AGF crew, or what's remaining LOL!

I'd like to announce my 1,001th 5-star feedback came in this morning from Brian B. in Maryland, actually for a set of pro-pins, but he had also purchased a "Ember" shown below, at the same time. I'm not sure if he remains a member here, he was at one time, and it's my bad that
I've not been here enough to recall his internet handle.


I do know he's been an amazingly loyal member of the Well-Hung tribe, picking up many straps and buttons from me probably right from the beginning over a thirteen years ago when I first started out on the old Agile Guitar forum (RIP). It was there where I learned how to design,
prototype and build straps for those beastly ALs Kurt keeps torturing all you fellas with LOL! I do owe quite a dept to some many members of that forum, and some of you who continue to carry the torch over here.


I see Brian has made 18 purchases with me over the years, probably more since even before I was on Reverb, so it's nice to see him luck into the prize, whatever it's gonna end up to. Asked him to send me a guitar pic of one he wants me to strap over the next two weeks, 100% on me. I'll detail that when it happens.

So anyway I saw fit to post it here, congrats to Brian!! And, allow me to crow a little on the milestone of over ***** 1,000 5-star feedback ***** since first listing my wares on the Reverb platform in 2013. And it's not so much that top number, but the fact among the 1,002 feedbacks received so far, there was only a single 4 star feedback among them all. Damn spoiler! LOL!


And, some of you surely will know when I send customer feedback, I often like to leave some fun messages myself.
This causes me to get some really kooky ones back, which I encourage, can make for some pretty interesting reading!

https://reverb.com/shop/well-hung-guita ... /feedback#

A few things I've done the last while, still crankin' em out

Iommi styled tooled leather crosses on leather


End Times - Mad Max meets Steampunkc


Some new Genocide series


"Jack Dupp" tooled Pirate-meets-biker strap

This one in memory of Brad Gillis

Hope your Saturday is going well my old friends.
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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Hey, Brad! That was me! I'm still here, I just don't post as much as I did at one time.

This milestone is a testament to how awesome your products are. It's an honor to have some of your straps, and I'm a believer in having the Pro-Pins on all my guitars. Thank you for everything, brother Brad! I'll message you soon.
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@BrianSkeezer the blue guitar man! Look at those beauties! thanks for chiming in brother,
and your longtime support. How inebriated did you have to be when you bought that red guitar on reverb?
or was it just bad pics ? :lol:
Endless source of eye-rolling dad jokes, aspiring empty-nester, custom strap-maker https://reverb.com/ca/shop/well-hung-guitar-accessories
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TVvoodoo wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:14 pm @BrianSkeezer the blue guitar man! Look at those beauties! thanks for chiming in brother,
and your longtime support. How inebriated did you have to be when you bought that red guitar on reverb?
or was it just bad pics ? :lol:
:lol: No inebriation needed! That Schecter is awesome! I actually liked the red one over the blue one, and the price was right when I got it. I only changed the knobs and the fine tuners on the Floyd.
Schecter Omen Elite cropped.jpg
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