My first fret removal and fix

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After watching the Beatles documentary recently, I got to jonesing for a Casino type guitar. But I'm cheap and didn't want to spend much. Long story short, picked up an Xaviere XV-910. I've heard good things about the GFS dog ear P90's. They had a natural XV-910 blem for a good price. The main blem was that it had a fret that wasn't seated right. Like, really sticking up.

I didn't take pics, sorry, it was a faster fix than I thought. I got a Hyper Tough flush trimmer when I was at Walmart and smoothed all the rough edges. Flattened it on each side of the already protruding fret and zippity do do it just popped out with little effort. The flush trimmer just acted as a gentle wedge to lift the fret as I slide it along the fret wire.

I had planned to use a solder iron to warm the fret and any glue (there was none) that might be in the fret slot. Didn't have to, it was so quick and easy.

Didn't realise just how little material there is in fret wire. I'll be a bit more gentle on my future fret levels.

I'll shoot some pics later. Debating on whether to replace the nut or not. It's not cut or cleaned up well at all. I usually make my own bone nut for most guitars, so will probably do so while I do the fret level.

Anyhoo, we'll see how this project comes along. Overall the guitar looks to be a nice guitar. I really haven't found anything not identified as a blem that would make me question the purchase.
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Obviously this is just a rumor. I don't see any pics. :D
Gandalf the Intonationer
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A few glamor shots while getting set u
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To get the nut out, I used the flush trimmers to basically wedge and lift the fret up.
I didn't get a picture of how I pressed the fret back in after trimming the excess tang material from the bottom, but I made this 13 inch radius block to use with a clamp to press the fret into place.
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Miscellaneous fret levelling pictures, along with (awful) nut cleanup. I need to fill and redrill tailpiece holes. Really bad placement from the factory and it causes the tailpiece to rub against the body.
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Great looking guitar. Reminds me of Firefly cutaway shape.

good thinking on the fret repair. I bought a stewmac fret presser a while back....glorified visegrip with exchangable seats to match radius.
I did often squirt fine amount of stewmac thin crazy glue that comes with little pipettes for tiny bead around fret edges of many sx guitars after they got the press. the thin stuff wicks in pretty well, with an occasional sloppy mistake. Never one I couldnt get back to "good" .
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I thought about the glue, but man this fret was a tight fit already. If I do any future fret repairs on this guitar I'll just wick some glue into all the frets.
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