Not sure what a Dumble is supposed to sound like.

Discussions by amplifier type.
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I'm not a Dumble expert, but articles I've red say he modded Fenders and Marshalls for artists and made a few of his own designs, but that even those were highly customized for individual players who ordered them. So what does a Dumble sound like? My hypothesis is as follows:

You can specify what a certain player sounds like playing a Dumble and try to recreate an amp based on it.
You can find a certain example of a Dumble amp and clone then.
You can find pictures or circuit diagrams for a few dumbles and identify the characteristics they share and build an amp based on that.
You can identify a Dumble sound that people imagine based on clones.

I think it's hard to get any more specific because they varied too much. I want to find some videos of amps and pedals of what Dumbles sound like to satisfy my own curiosity. Hopefully others won't find it too boring.
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Fuchs ODS:

These are some of the better demos I found. By far my favorite is the Emerald City one.
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Two Rock Classic Reverb

Honestly I'm a sucker for Mick Playing:

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So is a J-Mod a Dumble clone? I think we can agree that Mayer owns a few Dumbles and loves them. So you'd expect his signature amp to cop tones Mayer loves. I have no skin in this game.

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These are made in Malaysia! I thought about getting one when I lived in Saudi and knew a few Malaysian flight attendants.

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I think these are all Amplified Nation Wonderland Overdrives

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Amplified Nation Dirty Wonderland.

Ceriatone HRM

HRM and nor HRM of the same Ceriatone

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Redplate Overdrive Classic

Robben playing a Dumble.


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Nice thread, Golem.
I have a ceriatone jtm-45. Its a good sounding amp. But its not my favorite. That could be based on my relative perplexity by amp knowledge. I might also be more Fender-ish leaning. My favorite is an old 1963 Gibson Falcon with a Weber 12a125-A. After a tone sucking circuit gets removed, they can be very warm with depth, and has a beautiful tremolo and reverb.
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People think this is recorded with a Dumble:

Pretty sure this version is with a Fender:

I've heard this tour was done with Dumbles. Kind of hard for me to see in the background.

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@Partscaster Based on my love for Hendrix you'd think a JTM-45 would be high up on my list. I've tried a JTM45 Offset that @andrewsrea has on loan from a friend of his. I struggle to imagine what kind of volume that has to be played at to achieve those tones. Louder than I want to be present to hear apparently.

I had a Gibson Falcon. It's a good sounding amp.
@andrewsrea modded me a GA-35 RVT to be a bit more like like a deluxe reverb since the circuit is supposedly based on that. It sounds great at volumes that I'm a little nervous playing at in my apartment, but I did let it rip last night. Great amp.
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Mick playing a Dumble

Joe B playing a Dumble?

Another Emerald City video this time with a real Dumble.

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RJ playing on another Dumble clone:

Supposedly the Overdrive series by Quilters are influenced by Quilters obsession with Dumble. i figure it's at least a counterpoint to have him demo one since he also demos a lot of Dumble clones:

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golem wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 7:56 am @Partscaster Based on my love for Hendrix you'd think a JTM-45 would be high up on my list. I've tried a JTM45 Offset that @andrewsrea has on loan from a friend of his. I struggle to imagine what kind of volume that has to be played at to achieve those tones. Louder than I want to be present to hear apparently.

I had a Gibson Falcon. It's a good sounding amp.
@andrewsrea modded me a GA-35 RVT to be a bit more like like a deluxe reverb since the circuit is supposedly based on that. It sounds great at volumes that I'm a little nervous playing at in my apartment, but I did let it rip last night. Great amp.
I believe much of Hendrix's studio work was done on Fender amps. And I like those album sounds.

My Falcon is a GA-19 rvt. Between 9 and 1 o'clock it is plenty loud for band practice, garage space, and the goodness gets going even at 9 or 10, and it takes OD very well. The weber 12a125-a is a woody speaker, to boot.
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I've always heard that a Dumble is supposed to sound like whatever anyone who brought Mr. Dumble a [near] bottomless pot of gold told Mr. Dumble he wanted. :lol:

Back in the 1960's I used to gig with a GA-35RVT "Invader". In fact we were using all Gibson "Invader" amps, so we named our band the Invaders. It never ceased to amaze us the number of people who
thought that Gibson named the amp after us (instead of the other way around.)
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Not wild about the backing track in this demo of a Simble vs a real Dumble:

Greg Koch through a Bludotone:

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Pete Thorn demoing a Dumble pedal:

Tim Lerch demoing a Dumble pedal:

Line 6 Litagator (Dumble clone?):

I'll admit a bit floored by this Hx Stomp demo. It's crazy because of how much versatility he demonstrates adjusting the parameters in the Helix platform.
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everytime I listen to a supposed 'Dumble" sound, I only hear the rustling of blank bank book pages flitting in the wind
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How poetic @Tonray's Ghost .
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I like RJ playing the Quilter and Bombshell, the Helix, and that 69 with the Fuchs demo the most out of all of these. Considering the two tubes amp cost almost $3.5K+ , I got the Quilter for just over $400, and the Helix LT for $650, I think it's obvious I'm going to go out and spend that much cash on a tube amp like that.
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I think I tend to like the Dumbles best when they sound a lot like Fender'ish Mesa amps. Which just begs the question, why not a Fender or one of the Mesas more in Fender territory?
Tonray's Ghost
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golem wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 11:22 pm

I think I tend to like the Dumbles best when they sound a lot like Fender'ish Mesa amps. Which just begs the question, why not a Fender or one of the Mesas more in Fender territory?
This ^

Pure Hype ...not that they are not great amps...but the 'magic' that suppsedly exists is no more than the same 'magic' associated with NFTs or certain minor crypto's all in the head
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@Tonray's Ghost with the cost there was never any doubt to me that they had been hyped beyond reason.
Based on demos I've found of the real thing and clones, I feel like there's more variety in either the amp itself, or how people chose to demo them.
Some of the less professionally done demos I've seen (not shared here because of the quality) highlight some of the Dumbles with considerably more gain.

I find myself surprised that I like the Quilter and Helix more.
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