Spark - Positive Grid

Discussions by amplifier type.
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BatUtilityBelt wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:55 am Just found a reason to add a note. While I'm fairly positive on this amp, I just found a shortcoming yesterday. I decided to try it out with a (Yamaha) keyboard yesterday. I plugged the keyboard into the 1/8" aux-in of the Spark. To my surprise (and mild horror), the keyboard line outs into the aux-in of the Spark was lower volume and had considerable buzz (hum). I did not expect that, and if I needed that input regularly, I would be put off by this. Lucky for me, I have other amps that serve just fine for keyboard so I don't need to do that. Just thought you'd like to have that warning - it really is not a jack-of-all-trades.
Yeah I really wasn't planning on using it for any keyboard stuff whatsoever, really just a practice amp and songwriting tool. I ordered mine on Sunday and it just arrived yesterday, pretty amazing given the insane issues people had with getting these even a few months ago.

So far I am really, really impressed with it. I wasn't expecting it tonally to match up anywhere close to my main rig and of course it doesn't, but the tones possible from this little box are MILES above where digital modeling stuff was at even 2-3 years ago. Really easy to use with the app and endless options with the Tonecloud. This won't be for everyone but for what I wanted it for - to plop it on my coffee table and use it when noodling on the couch, quick recording song ideas, jamming along with tracks, is a LOT of fun and something I'll probably use daily. If you guys have any favorite patches from the tonecloud please let me know, there is definitely some option paralysis here with THIS many to choose from.

My favorites so far after just an hour or so of digging are the Ambient Gilmour, Whirlpool of Souls, Engl Fireball, and Crazy Train patches.
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slowhand84 wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:26 pm If you guys have any favorite patches from the tonecloud please let me know, there is definitely some option paralysis here with THIS many to choose from.
Yeah, you can spend days flipping around there (I have). I downloaded most of the patches I use, but sorry, can't remember the names. Once I settled into a handful of great ones, I just stopped shopping for months.
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