VHT Classic 6 In Action

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Our P&W guitarist needed a small amp for our outdoor service today. I brought my little 6 watter for him to use.

These amps have a 12" speaker, and this was the first time it's been gigged. Have to say it was plenty loud, and sounded great. Had the volume about nine o'clock--or about 4. Played an outdoor pavilion of about 3k square feet, and it handled the space well.

Pics also show a Roland AC33, which they used for vocals. Another cool little amp.


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It's amazing what those little amps can do I had a 5-watt Blackstar that could blow out eardrums, I also had a 22-watt Messa Boogie that would get crazy loud without breaking up or getting muddy I did usually drop a 58 in front of it and shoot through the PA at bigger gigs .
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This is especially interesting to me, because I will soon be playing my first outdoor gig in years, and I'm a little concerned about volume. Happy to hear the Classic 6 served you well! I'm guessing you didn't have a hard-hitting drummer, though!

I remember taking my Special 6 to a jam session years ago, and getting compliments on the tone (one guy half-jokingly suggested I should steal it, not realizing I already owned it!), and @redman I played a gig with the 5W Marshall SL-5C (albeit in a small basement club) through a 4x12 extension and had no trouble with volume at all.
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glasshand wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:33 am This is especially interesting to me, because I will soon be playing my first outdoor gig in years, and I'm a little concerned about volume. Happy to hear the Classic 6 served you well! I'm guessing you didn't have a hard-hitting drummer, though!

@redman I played a gig with the 5W Marshall SL-5C (albeit in a small basement club) through a 4x12 extension and had no trouble with volume at all.
I think the main thing that helped was the size of the speaker, and having the amp elevated. We didn't have a drummer there yesterday, as it was just acoustic guitar and vocals, but I have no doubt that that amp could have handled a drummer playing with some restraint easily. It couldn't have competed with Bonham or anything, but I had to turn him down from what I originally thought was "loud enough" because he was too loud when we were checking levels.

I'm sure that Marshall sounded huge through that 4x12!
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