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Location: Steamboat Springs, CO
Gearlist: A tele, a bass and a bunch of other stuff.

I was one inch away from hitting the "Submit" key before reconsidering this FS/FT post. Any guitar that is worth 100+ words, a few facebook posts (from other tele players) and has numerous stories behind it is probably worth keeping...

Here's what almost happened. What do you guys think?


I'm not sure that I want to sell my Smelly Tele. It's got a great vibe and lives up to a telecaster's notorious "unforgiving" billing quite well.

I'm notoriously sloppy. 'Not a good match.

It's a Baja model with a four-way selector and push button phase thingy that I never use. I bought it used from a family-owned music store in southern Colorado (I am wary of GC and ebay stuff) and have had it two (three?) years now.

I tried Seymour Duncan 59's in the bridge. It didn't improve my playing* so I removed and sold them here on the forum. Somebody with some chops will love the mod, though. For those who can manage a tele, the stock pick-ups sound great and the neck is a dream. My best tone is achieved by running it through my 12-watt Princeton Reverb at 2:00 but every guitar sounds great through that amp.

As noted, this is just a feeler post. I like the guitar and am only hesitantly entertaining offers/trades. PM me. I'll remove this post on Sunday evening if there's no interest. That will be a Sign from Above to keep it.

*Pick-ups and pedals are supposed to do that, aren't they?


Pics... It's not quite white, but it's not quite Daphne green (as advertised) either.

The pick guards on bottom photo are laminates of from a local artist's prints. She gave me permission to make them. 'Turns out that she's kind of a big deal.

However, the "Tele 'till you're Smelly" bumper stickers have defined/completed the guitar (in the winter sports world, Tele is short for Telemark, a type of skiing).

From a facebook post: "The Smelly Tele. Officially sanctioned by Backdoor Sports Ltd of Steamboat Springs." That's the shop's owner (and bumper sticker distributor) holding it.

Smelly tele.jpg
Tele art.jpg

Tommy Larson
Tommy Larson
Steamboat Springs, CO
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I think you should sell it to the homeless guy in Portland who was hit by a car in the CL Red Flags thread. He really wants a tele because he saw Stevie Ray Vaughn play a Strat in the 80’s.

I think he is the perfect buyer for you. It will be a win win, because you can sell the guitar but also hold on to it until you are fully paid, and since that will never happen, you never have to give it up. Even Charlie Sheen would call that WINNING! WINNING!
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That's a lifetime keeper in my book.
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You seem to have an emotional attachment to it. I really like the second pickguard from the left personally. The only thing I've got in the same ballpark is a classic series 60s with a few mods.
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