The fate of my guitars and gear

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Odd or weird question maybe, but it will happen at some point, doesn't matter if we like it or not. Still, if the post doesn´t get any comments within 24 hours, I'll delete it.

Have you decided what will happen to your guitars and musical gear when you're gone? Most people write their Will regarding possesions like properties, cars, land, money, etc., but I'm not sure about music gear in particular. Will you let your relatives take care of that as they will: sell them, donate them, put them outside for anybody to take them?

Maybe it's not a big deal for guys like me who only have 2 guitars - one a super old no brand acoustic guitar, and the other a strat style guitar, painted and assembled by our Mossman, that he gave me, so they are nothing special -, and my son has actually told me that he will keep them. I told him to sell the electric and use whatever money he can get out of it, but he said "No, dad, this is your guitar, I'll keep it!". My other few relatives here aren't into guitars, so none of them is an option to have them, so I don't really have anyone to give them to, except for my son. But again, I'm only talking about one or two guitars, not about any number between 5 and 200, including amplifiers and the such. I actually think that I'm the only one here in AGF that only has 2 guitars - which is neither a good or bad thing, btw -.

So, if anybody wants to share, what will be the fate of your guitars and music gear after you're gone? Again, odd but serious question.

PS: If you're considering donating all or some of them, and if I'm still here - meaning, not dead yet -, I'll happily take any Agile AL3200/AD3200, or any Ibanez AR3XX/AR4XX that you may want to donate to keep them alive and sounding a few more years... (half joking-half serious).
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I will sell off everything but a few special pieces when the time comes. I do not have what I used to so it won't be that difficult. I have an adopted nephew that I taught to play when he was a youngster. His father and I were biker bros and dear friends for many years until he passed away from a heart attack. His son was 10 years old at the time and I took him under my wing. That is why I call him my adopted nephew. He is a fine young man now. He graduated college with a BS and is a hard worker. I will leave him all the special stuff like my Goldtop and others. He is worthy.
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tonebender wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 12:24 pm I will sell off everything but a few special pieces when the time comes. I do not have what I used to so it won't be that difficult. I have an adopted nephew that I taught to play when he was a youngster. His father and I were biker bros and dear friends for many years until he passed away from a heart attack. His son was 10 years old at the time and I took him under my wing. That is why I call him my adopted nephew. He is a fine young man now. He graduated college with a BS and is a hard worker. I will leave him all the special stuff like my Goldtop and others. He is worthy.
This is lovely, Jeff. And you have it all figured out already ❤️
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I think it's a good topic to discuss, but I was called a downer on another forum for asking the same. For a few pieces of gear, I've named specific people in my will, as I know I won't sell those items. But for most, I expect my family to have a decent auction house put them up for sale. I talk about advertising it well ahead of time because the guitars are all lefty, and frankly I think lefties (more than righties) need an opportunity to see a wide variety of guitars available for sale all at once. There are no other lefty players in my family, so that's my route.
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I am taking my gear with me! Actually, I am not going! ;)

I asked @golem to assist in the sale of what my family doesn't want to keep, in the event of my untimely demise.
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I've told my wife that my gear will go to one of my bandmates. Guess we should also figure out what to do if he predeceases me or if me and my wife go at the same time!
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I've made arrangements with a couple big online sellers who would be willing to send someone down here to organize and pack things up and a local shop as well with experience in these matters and instructions for my siblings to contact them ("I hope you don't hear from my family anytime soon but..."). The local market couldn't possibly absorb everything so the online shops will probably be the way they should go.

In the near future (and depending on my mood) I might be proactive and begin to sell some stuff off but selling a couple a week would still take me about five and a half years to get rid of everything. Nobody in my immediate and extended family plays guitar and I don't really know anyone else who plays left-handed so if it turns out to be a slow death instead of something sudden, I'd give the lefties here first dibs at a discounted price...
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even though I have well over 20 guitars, all of them are budget guitars, so they're not really worth much on the used market.
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BatUtilityBelt wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 3:45 pm I think it's a good topic to discuss, but I was called a downer on another forum for asking the same. For a few pieces of gear, I've named specific people in my will, as I know I won't sell those items. But for most, I expect my family to have a decent auction house put them up for sale. I talk about advertising it well ahead of time because the guitars are all lefty, and frankly I think lefties (more than righties) need an opportunity to see a wide variety of guitars available for sale all at once. There are no other lefty players in my family, so that's my route.
No downer here for me. ok, so you have also thought about it and have taken some measures about it.
Yeah, I agree lefties have less chances of looking through a variety of lefty guitars at the same time.
Thanks for sharing...
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andrewsrea wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 5:06 pm I am taking my gear with me! Actually, I am not going! ;)

I asked @golem to assist in the sale of what my family doesn't want to keep, in the event of my untimely demise.
You also have some kind of plan for that, that's good. I know it's something most of us don't usually like to think about, but we'll have to eventually at some point.
Thanks for sharing...
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glasshand wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 5:19 pm I've told my wife that my gear will go to one of my bandmates. Guess we should also figure out what to do if he predeceases me or if me and my wife go at the same time!
Well, you've just added some more situations to consider. Well, in the end, I believe we cannot possibly have every scenario covered, but yeah, I guess you will have to figure out those "if" too.
Thanks for sharing...
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tobijohn wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 5:33 pm I've made arrangements with a couple big online sellers who would be willing to send someone down here to organize and pack things up and a local shop as well with experience in these matters and instructions for my siblings to contact them ("I hope you don't hear from my family anytime soon but..."). The local market couldn't possibly absorb everything so the online shops will probably be the way they should go.

In the near future (and depending on my mood) I might be proactive and begin to sell some stuff off but selling a couple a week would still take me about five and a half years to get rid of everything. Nobody in my immediate and extended family plays guitar and I don't really know anyone else who plays left-handed so if it turns out to be a slow death instead of something sudden, I'd give the lefties here first dibs at a discounted price...
Ok, you and Steve are the "especial cases" here. I'm not surprised you too have that situation covered.
If it's a slow death as you say, people can work it out on the fly - so to speak -, even though we don't really know the date or time.
Thanks for sharing...
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peskypesky1 wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 5:51 pm even though I have well over 20 guitars, all of them are budget guitars, so they're not really worth much on the used market.
So, I guess that what you're saying is that most likely your close family will decide what to do with them when that moment comes. I suppose that most of times, if the family doesn't really know that much about the guitars and gear of their deceased loved one, they would look for some kind of advise to make the best decision about it.
Thanks for sharing...
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It's interesting that most of us don't have any close family members with the guitar bug.

I'm also glad this topic is having several responses. I appreciate it, guys.
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Not to get morbid, but there was a story talked about by the old timers of the original AGF which was so shocking I've never been able to forget it. It predated my joining that forum.

Apparently there was a member who killed himself and set his home on fire, burning up both himself and all of his gear in a funeral pyre.

Anyone here remember the details of that story?
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I vaguely remember the story but not the details. Maybe @mickey would ...
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tobijohn wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:14 am I vaguely remember the story but not the details. Maybe @mickey would ...
I vaguely remember the story but not the details. I thought you would...
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mickey wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:17 am

I vaguely remember the story but not the details. I thought you would...
It had occurred sometime before I signed on in March 2014, so I was only aware of it through the retelling. Wow, I can't believe I've been here for over a decade...
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andrewsrea wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 5:06 pm I am taking my gear with me! Actually, I am not going! ;)

I asked @golem to assist in the sale of what my family doesn't want to keep, in the event of my untimely demise.
I'm happy to do so.
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sabasgr68 wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 7:31 pm
peskypesky1 wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 5:51 pm even though I have well over 20 guitars, all of them are budget guitars, so they're not really worth much on the used market.
So, I guess that what you're saying is that most likely your close family will decide what to do with them when that moment comes. I suppose that most of times, if the family doesn't really know that much about the guitars and gear of their deceased loved one, they would look for some kind of advise to make the best decision about it.
Thanks for sharing...
Both of my older brothers are guitarists, but they have much nicer guitars and amps than me (they're both doctors), so even if they survived me I don't think they would really care about my gear. (For example, my oldest brother has a Gretsch Country Gentleman that cost more than about 20 of my guitars put together. Seriously. He also has a Gibson ES-175, a vintage 1976 Fender Telecaster, and a Fender Deluxe American Strat.)

Statistically-speaking, I will outlive them, so it may be moot. It will probably be up to my executor to sell my gear. Which reminds me that I should make my will because I have another brother who is a total d--chebag and I don't want him to get anything from my estate should he outlive me..
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toomanycats wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:01 am Not to get morbid, but there was a story talked about by the old timers of the original AGF which was so shocking I've never been able to forget it. It predated my joining that forum.

Apparently there was a member who killed himself and set his home on fire, burning up both himself and all of his gear in a funeral pyre.

Anyone here remember the details of that story?
I don't think I've ever heard about this story. wow...
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tobijohn wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:35 am
mickey wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:17 am

I vaguely remember the story but not the details. I thought you would...
It had occurred sometime before I signed on in March 2014, so I was only aware of it through the retelling. Wow, I can't believe I've been here for over a decade...
And sometimes I also can't believe I've been here since 2011. I actually thought you joined before me...
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I know this subject might touch some sensible fiber in some; I get it.

Lately I've been wondering a lot about how some things could have gone should I've done this or that and not what I actually did. I know, that game of "what if..." is not healthy, but I can't seem to help it and keep going on that loop in my mind, maybe that's one of the reasons I pulled up this thread.

Also, and I know that it can be debatable, you know there are some websites where you can watch some shows "free" - shows from HBO, Prime, etc -, but well, as I was saying, I've been watching the show "From" - which I think is a good one with no major flaws, very watchable if you like the genre -, and somehow it has magnified inside of me that same feeling of the people trapped in that town, the feeling of living each day trying to have hope and to make it to the other day, just to find that you're still trapped inside, no matter if you actually made it to the other day or if you actually got to feel good about something for a moment, nothing you can do gets you really out of it, you just keep on letting 24 hours just pass by every day, dealing with the same old situations and new ones. It gets tiresome. I wanted to give my mind a rest watching it, although it seems it's the contrary.

But this is my place, and so I share it, and besides, I seriously wanted to ask about it.
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mickey wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:17 am
tobijohn wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:14 am I vaguely remember the story but not the details. Maybe @mickey would ...
I vaguely remember the story but not the details. I thought you would...
I remember this. The guy was brilliant and used to post full on amp-porn photos of his handwired/homebuilt amps and the circuits & wiring were amazing. He was kind of a cranky SOB but had amazing skills. I don't think he sold any of them, at least not on the forum. And then unforunately he snapped and killed himself/torched his mobile home with him and all the amps inside it. @andrewsrea might remember his name. There were some news articles about it, I think he lived in California.

In the vein of @sabasgr68 query, I do remember @JeffBeck helping out previous AGF member Felix's family after he passed away. IIRC, Mr. Beck literally drove cross country and helped out cleaning up/cataloging/selling all the guitars for his surviving family's benefit.

I have a pretty small collection myself, mostly acoustics, and no one in my immediate family really plays. My instructions to my family would be to take everything they don't want to Dave's guitar shop in La Crosse and consign anything they don't want. My brother ( only sibling ) is a player and we are both big fans of Monte Montgomery, and a large number of my guitars are inspired by his Alvarez-Yairy DY62. I would let him take any of those that he likes.
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uwmcscott wrote: Mon Oct 28, 2024 2:13 pm
I remember this. The guy was brilliant and used to post full on amp-porn photos of his handwired/homebuilt amps and the circuits & wiring were amazing. He was kind of a cranky SOB but had amazing skills. I don't think he sold any of them, at least not on the forum. And then unforunately he snapped and killed himself/torched his mobile home with him and all the amps inside it. @andrewsrea might remember his name. There were some news articles about it, I think he lived in California.
I remember the thread and believe you are correct that he lived in central California. I am thinking it could have been David Earl Pitts ('dearlpitts') or MattS, but I am spit-balling here.
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