Caline Pure Sky

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Tonray's Ghost
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For 30 to 40 bucks...this seems like a winner..a "Timmy" clone

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The Timmy circuit is a really useful soft overdrive and has been cloned / copped / modifed many times over. I think I played one of these in a local MGR and it was pretty good. However, this is a design which can go from great to stellar with the right choice of components and a few value chanegs.
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Read up on this if you are not familiar with a over priced pedal. ... e.html?m=0 ... ontroversy ... drive.html

I think i had 50 PCB boards made, if you want a few in the mail let me know. I may have some original LM1458.
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Tonray's Ghost
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mozz wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:08 pm Read up on this if you are not familiar with a over priced pedal. ... e.html?m=0 ... ontroversy ... drive.html

I think i had 50 PCB boards made, if you want a few in the mail let me know. I may have some original LM1458.
YEs..the guys in the video I posted did a followup with the Caline vs the Jan-Ray vs the real thing Timmy....eye opening...some differences but $30 gets you 99% of the way there is the conclusion.

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You talked me into it. I already have a couple overdrives I like, but they're really not capable of the same clean boost, and I never cared enough to spend the extra for a Timmy. $30 at Amazon is just fine.
Tonray's Ghost
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BatUtilityBelt wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:53 am You talked me into it. I already have a couple overdrives I like, but they're really not capable of the same clean boost, and I never cared enough to spend the extra for a Timmy. $30 at Amazon is just fine.
I'm actually ordering their Queen Bee in the morning. It seems like it might be just the extra kick start I need for my Vox Stomplab patches into the Roland Jazz Chorus. They're all very similar, the Pure Sky vs Mellow Drive vs Queen Bee ..only slight control differences to reflect whatever pedal they're trying to copy.
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Got the Pure Sky today... not quite what I was hoping. It's kinda noisy, but some of what it does is pretty cool anyway.

Edit: My bad. The first whole day I was trying it out, the output jack was not all the way in. I feel stupid about it, but thought I should correct that noise claim. It's really not a noisy pedal, so I'm pretty happy with it. Nice tonal variety of boost options here, and straight forward if you know how to plug things in correctly. :lol:
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