This was an odd one - I wasn't on the lookout at all, really, but I was browsing local listings, and I happened to come across a guy who had a 2017 Rickenbacker 4003
W, which is the walnut model. And he wasn't looking to sell: he specifically wanted to
trade for a Jetglo. And I had a 2005 Jetglo 4003, and TBH I was not totally bonding with it. So I said what the hey, if he wants to trade straight across...either I like the 4003W better than the Jetglo, or I can sell it for at least as much as I could have sold the Jetglo for.
I think I like the 4003W better.
The 4003W is distinctly lighter, between the switch from maple to walnut for the body and the lack of finish.
It's kind of weird to see the continued little tweaks that Rickenbacker makes to the model, too. At some point between 2005 and 2017 they changed the shape of the inlays (why? who knows?) and made one of the knobs a push-pull knob that changes the character. I think at some point post-2017 they changed the bridge, too.