Valentine's Day NGD

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My wife surprised me with this sweet Breedlove for Valentine's Day when we got back from vacation this weekend. Never thought about this brand before but it plays/sounds nice and the action is fairly low (where I like it). I was just thinking about picking up a new travel guitar too!
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Congratulations! You are lucky to have her! Breedloves are great guitars! (At least all I've ever met have been!)
Gandalf the Intonationer
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Awesome! I must have played a ton of Breedlove guitars through the holidays. They are that prevalent in the stores when it is not the lead up to Christmas. I was trying to find just the right one made out of Myrtle wood but I never found the "one". I did play a used Spruce top at GC in Ocala that almost made me pull the trigger but I was determined to get one made from Myrtle wood. They do make fine guitars. Enjoy and what a great VD gift!
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