Michael Schenker Flying V "Clone"

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The point on the headstock is more Epiphone than Gibson...but for around $300 shipped from the CCP there will be no major gripes here.
Cheaper plastic nut is painted over on both sides, so may just leave in for now. I'd be worried about chipping the paint getting it out. Not sure what upgrades will come first....I am just going to drool for now.
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Congrats on the purchase. Enjoy the new toy.
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Lamf77 wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 5:24 pm The point on the headstock is more Epiphone than Gibson...but for around $300 shipped from the CCP there will be no major gripes here.
Cheaper plastic nut is painted over on both sides, so may just leave in for now. I'd be worried about chipping the paint getting it out. Not sure what upgrades will come first....I am just going to drool for now.
Neat! I have a replica RR Polka Dot V (also MIC) that I rescued from a pawn shop in PA for $200 or so many years ago and it is a surprisingly killer axe. Needed the fret ends rounded but that's about all...very solid hardware and the stock pickups sounded so good I never swapped 'em out.
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If you really want to swap the nut you could probably get away with some painters tape or masking tape and using an xacto knife or razor blade to cut a seam between the nut and finish.

But killer score dude!
~Formerly LookingDownTheCross~
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Beautiful guitar. Congrats.

Just yesterday I was watching this old MTV interview about Contraband and their cover of "All the Way From Memphis" and marveling at Schenker's authoritative tone and phrasing. The song doesn't truly start to swing until Schenker launches into his main solo. Poor Tracii Guns. All he could answer back with was some generic Hendrix licks. To his credit, Tracii does some great scissor kicks in the video.

Incidentally, I am not totally convinced that Michael Schenker and Rutger Hauer were not sired by the same father (or great, great, great grandfather perhaps).

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