NGD - Epi '61 SG with Maestro

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Well, not actually. I got it in December after a 6 month wait. First pic is of my G-400 and '61 SG. SG is on the right. The rest are of my SG. I have to say that Epiphone has upped the quality of their guitars considerably since my last purchase. That was quite a few years ago b4 I started buying Agiles. This will probably be my last. Usually the first thing I did with Epis was gut them and put in new pups, tuners, switches, pots, etc. Not on this one. The thing that got me interested was the neck profile. My G-400 has a chunky neck, the '61 is slim and very comfortable for me. The pups are very acceptable. I put Gibson Burst Buckers in my G-400, these pups are surprisingly similar.

Only a couple of complaints. First is the veneer on the top. The G-400 has a nice natural grain top, the '61 has a striped veneer top. Second, I changed the strings right away. They used to put D'Addario 10s on them. It came with Gibson 10s. Big difference. Third, I had to file down 3 high frets and lower the action. They may have left the action higher because of the high frets? All good now. I . think I had to do anything to all of the Agiles I’ve bought over the years. Overall, I’m very happy with the guitar.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Definitely like the new headstock!




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Looks nice. I like the stripes. it seems odd for them to use a veneer top when solid color or natural grain would probably be nice.
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Nice grab, happy NGD!! For some reason I didn’t even register the striped veneer until I read the part where you mentioned it. Still looks killer!

Also fun fact about Gibson strings and D’Addario; D’Addario makes Gibson’s strings these days, but to “Gibson Spec”.
Found that out when I was trying figure out what strings came on my Flying V EXP.
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Very nice! Epiphones were stellar when they were made in South Korea at the some of the same factories making Agile, and then they moved them to China. The quality fell off quite a bit and it took a few years to get back to where they were. Some of the ones I have held in my hands lately are quite nice. Congrats and HNGD.
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