new hard case day

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Found this harley benton st-20hss on reverb other day semi locally for sale, 200 shipped or 100 local pickup and 100 shipping. I instantly paid him through reverb so was 108.00 a steal imo. Picked it up today Its pristine perfect shape and case is near new I really wanted the case more than guitar.
When i meet the guy and talk a few and so funny he tells me about buying guitars just for the case lol yeah im thinking the same thing :D i figure i can sell the guitar for 100 easily and get a free case or 8.00 case lol! nice guitar was already setup and not 1 scratch, dent, ding, fingerprint its nib clean great deal for me i need a case!
harley benton 1.jpg
harley benton 2.jpg
"Nationwide, on average 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2023. 54% of adults have a literacy below 6th grade level" Now I know whats wrong with people lmao
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That WAS a steal!!
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Nice deal! How is the strat? Comparable to Squier etc?
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Tiga wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:20 am Nice deal! How is the strat? Comparable to Squier etc?
Its nicer than a squier affinity for sure, had a tiny bit of sharp fret area that clean up in a minute. Fit and finish are perfect, no high frets and nut slot cut great. chunkier c shape neck like vintage strats, tuners feel nice and tight. thicker body than the squiers. really nice guitar for there low end model and weighs around 7lbs, great mod platform like the sx are.
"Nationwide, on average 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2023. 54% of adults have a literacy below 6th grade level" Now I know whats wrong with people lmao
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