Blue on Black (Cover/Jam)

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This has just kind of been in my head the last few weeks. So I thought I'd jam on it. This was the only take so I miss words, and fuck up here and there...solo is improv...just out here having fun!

'84 Japanese Strat
Amplitube 4

Backing track from YouTube.
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Nice work. Loved the tones and thank you for not playing the solo note-for-note. People seem to disagree with me but, well... I've heard it. I'd rather listen to an interpretation than a hacked effort.
Tommy Larson
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tlarson58 wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:08 am Nice work. Loved the tones and thank you for not playing the solo note-for-note. People seem to disagree with me but, well... I've heard it. I'd rather listen to an interpretation than a hacked effort.
I appreciate it! When I play live, I try to play the solos a bit more in line with the originals, especially if it's really iconic, but when I'm at home and jamming on my own I like to improvise. I think it's more fun that way.
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Love that riff, great tones to boot.
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Nice. I missed this. More and more im getting the impression That is a deceptively tough song to sing
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Great tone out of your rig and well played.
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Good job man!!
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Good job, played that song many times but never tried vocals. Were you in Drop D tuning?
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This song is very hard to sing and play at the same time for me.... good job on this. Sometimes you just gotta exorcise the demons to get a song out of your head.
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Sorry I missed all of your guys comments! Will try to reply to them all now!
nomadh wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:11 pm Nice. I missed this. More and more im getting the impression That is a deceptively tough song to sing
Thanks! I'm not a strong singer anyway, but yeah definitely much more difficult than I expected. The delivery is much more nuanced than I am capable of.
redman wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:01 pm Great tone out of your rig and well played.
Thanks! Used a slightly tweaked preset in amplitube 4.
Narsh wrote: Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:34 pmGood job man!!
tonebender wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:57 pm Good job, played that song many times but never tried vocals. Were you in Drop D tuning?
It's much trickier to sing than you would think! I'm playing standard tuning.

quote=Milkman post_id=42719 time=1663272831 user_id=62]
This song is very hard to sing and play at the same time for me.... good job on this. Sometimes you just gotta exorcise the demons to get a song out of your head.

Absolutely! I struggled with it for sure. It had been stuck in my head for about two weeks and I just decided I needed to sit down and learn it well enough that I could run through it a few times and get it out of my brain.
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