Leslie Rotating Pickups ?

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Tonray's Ghost
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This is crazy
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Crazy I agree, but someone will love it. I think the weirdest thing is (going by this video) these folks decided to go analog instead of digital. Old school purist move there, but IMO it might as well just be another keyboard.
Tonray's Ghost
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BatUtilityBelt wrote: Fri Jul 22, 2022 9:08 am Crazy I agree, but someone will love it. I think the weirdest thing is (going by this video) these folks decided to go analog instead of digital. Old school purist move there, but IMO it might as well just be another keyboard.
I'm waiting for the model that rotates guitarists, maybe if RJ Ronquillo is playing along with me...I'll sound 50% better ?
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I didnt hear a useful note of guitar played in that demo.
They didnt demo any guitar playing, per se.
Might be better being triggered by vocals mic where vocalist is on a sit-n-spin rotating wildly fast.
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Am I the only one who saw the pickup that is mounted between the trem and the bridge?
I had to do a double take to be sure I wasn’t seeing things.
Crazy, indeed.
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