NOAD Magnatone M10A & KMD GV60

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Well, the KMD was the first real amp I bought back in the early 90's. A made in England Hybrid I bought used off a local musician. Went totally dead on me about 8 years ago. Was a repair beyond my skills so finally decided to get her fixed.
The Magnatone M10A I scored off OfferUp a few months ago. It has been sitting, unused in a funeral home of all places for decades! It was in super clean condition,but needed a throrough check as well as a 3 prong cord. So it went in also.
Got both of the back this week! Hence the New Old Amp Day well as my virgin post here!
KMD back.jpg
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Cool, but you know that thing is bound to be haunted.
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That magnatone is sweet. Check this out.

I’ve been way into these old magnatone amps since finding a discarded Silvertone organ on the curbside. It had a tube amp inside with a magnatone vibrato. Way cool. More pics!

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AGF refugee11/30/08-5/28/20 (8,502 posts)
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Magnatone is a great score. Buddy Holly was known to use one of those, don't know which model but i bet it does his sound.
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JeffBeck wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:27 pm Cool, but you know that thing is bound to be haunted.
I read it's the caps and cords in the old amps which ghost and spirits cling to. Those were all replaced, so I should be good to go. But I'll keep some salt and holy water on hand.
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Sweet new old amp!

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