Another 80's Flashback

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Rob's threads spurred me to post this track, so thanks Rob!

A co-worker and I went into a studio in Austin back in 1984. He and I hit it off regarding our influences and he had some tunes he wanted to demo, as he had played in a couple of bar bands in CA where he was originally from. He booked 8 hours for $50/hr and hired a drummer through the Austin Chronicle or something, and we went in and banged out 5 songs on a Saturday--which was not enough time to do them properly, as the drummer and I basically played these for the first time that day, so no solos, and pretty bare bones mix.

This was run to digital from a second gen Maxell XLII about 10 years ago--before it deteriorated any further--but enjoy it warts and all!

Rich Brown--writer, vocals, guitar (1978 Guild Polara into what I remember as a Fender Champ)
Me--bass, backing vocals (Rich's Rickenbacker 4001 Fireglo recorded direct)
Randy Teutsch--drums

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The story behind the song is great too :)

Funny how these things come together as they do. Never perfect the way we intended, but perfect time capsules nonetheless.
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That guy could sure write a hook. I'm going to have that earworm in my head the rest of the day.
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Reading your story, it is ironic how the performer thinks it is chock full of warts but the listener just hears the songs. I think this and the other you posted were great! Especially for cramming the studio time like you said. You did incredibly well for just winging it - I would have never known.

When my band did 'Draw the Line,' we set up for two songs. Since I did work for the studio, set-up and dialing in sounds was free and that took about 2 hours (mostly drums).

For the paid portion ($125/hr) we cut 'Draw the Line' and 'Misguided' live with a scratch vocal in 20 minutes - basically one take after a false start, because we'd been playing it live for a couple of months. Vocals and a few overdubs took about another 20 minutes. I think we took 11 of the 16 tracks (2" tape) and mixing took about 30 minutes. So about $175 for time and $125 for a reel of 2" tape.

'Foolish Pride' took a long time, but we did that in my studio on 1/2" 8 tracks 15ips.
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Thanks Rob.

Yeah, I think as the person playing, when you listen back, you can hear every clinker or off-time bit, or wish you'd played something differently or whatever. I guess it's just the OCD.

You guys definitely sounded like you had it together on those songs.
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toomanycats wrote: Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:00 pm That guy could sure write a hook. I'm going to have that earworm in my head the rest of the day.
As a songwriter, he's the best i ever had a chance to work with. Not even a close second.

Not that I've worked with many.
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Nice! How old were you guys here?
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20-21. Wet behind the ears.

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