NAG&ID! Birthday Surprise on Thanksgiving.

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Gibson Dave Mustaine Flying V EXP
ESP LTD DV8R Dave Mustaine Signature Model
Agile AL3100
Kit Explorer
Jackson JS32RR
Samick Strat
Firefly Semi-Hollow Tele
Globe Dove Copy

Orange OR-15 (Head)
EVH 112 (Cabinet)
Bugera 1960 Infinium (Head)
Bugera 412 (Cabinet)
Peavey VTX Classic 212 (Combo)
Laney Mini-ST Lionheart Practice Amp

Got a nice surprise at Thanksgiving, my birthday's fallen rather close this year so Mom surprised me with an Ibanez AEWC10 in the Dark Gold finish.
A Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB interface.

Been fiddling with em both since I got home like 7 hours ago lol.

The guitar: Absolutely solid, my pappaw has an old ibanez acoustic that I have loved my whole life, and this one doesn't feel too terribly different, bit smaller as his is the dreadnought body style. Neck's good and smooth, good action outta the box, sounds crisp and bright, still has good bottom end. My first Acoustic in 20 years, and my 3rd one in my lifetime lol.

The interface: Also solid, really cool being able to actually record my ideas so I can hear them back, and it be in a clear, listenable fashion. Fits on my desk well, thought I'm gonna have to get some monitors of my own, as well as a couple of ¼" cables for them, but right now I'm borrowing my friends.
Definitely need to figure out something for the type c plug, I already have my port filled on my PC, so I've been plugging into an adapter for my headset, which works, but isn't optimal. Maybe I should get a USB hub I can switch on and off? Another decent A(male) to C(female) adapter cable would definitely work well, but the only way to actually turn it all the way off is to unplug it or kill the power to it.

Also I was wondering what software you guys would recommend for amp/effect modeling and recording?
I'm not one to turn down free or cheap, but at the same time I'm also down to pay for quality.

Oh yeah, I guess you pervs are just waiting for pics.
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Happy new gear day and happy birthday!
Reaper is very popular and the demo is free.
I have started to learn it a bit but only in the most basic functions.
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LancerTheGreat wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:51 am Got a nice surprise at Thanksgiving, my birthday's fallen rather close this year so Mom surprised me with an Ibanez AEWC10 in the Dark Gold finish.
A Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB interface.

Been fiddling with em both since I got home like 7 hours ago lol.

The guitar: Absolutely solid, my pappaw has an old ibanez acoustic that I have loved my whole life, and this one doesn't feel too terribly different, bit smaller as his is the dreadnought body style. Neck's good and smooth, good action outta the box, sounds crisp and bright, still has good bottom end. My first Acoustic in 20 years, and my 3rd one in my lifetime lol.

The interface: Also solid, really cool being able to actually record my ideas so I can hear them back, and it be in a clear, listenable fashion. Fits on my desk well, thought I'm gonna have to get some monitors of my own, as well as a couple of ¼" cables for them, but right now I'm borrowing my friends.
Definitely need to figure out something for the type c plug, I already have my port filled on my PC, so I've been plugging into an adapter for my headset, which works, but isn't optimal. Maybe I should get a USB hub I can switch on and off? Another decent A(male) to C(female) adapter cable would definitely work well, but the only way to actually turn it all the way off is to unplug it or kill the power to it.

Also I was wondering what software you guys would recommend for amp/effect modeling and recording?
I'm not one to turn down free or cheap, but at the same time I'm also down to pay for quality.

Oh yeah, I guess you pervs are just waiting for pics.
Congrats, enjoy both of them! (and Happy Birthday!).

Guitar is a beauty.

Now, if you´re a person who loves to play music and guitars, I can understand that your mom would have thought of giving you a guitar for birthday gift, but how could she give you an USB interface too? Is she a musician too? But my best bet is that you have a very good and close mom-son relationship, and that´s great! :) (For example, how she knew you like a single cut acoustic guitar and not a normal bodied guitar? Congrats for the greatest mom too! My mom knows I love music and guitars, but she couldn´t come with gifts like that on her won, I can tell you that!) ;)
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Gearlist: -Guitars-
Gibson Dave Mustaine Flying V EXP
ESP LTD DV8R Dave Mustaine Signature Model
Agile AL3100
Kit Explorer
Jackson JS32RR
Samick Strat
Firefly Semi-Hollow Tele
Globe Dove Copy

Orange OR-15 (Head)
EVH 112 (Cabinet)
Bugera 1960 Infinium (Head)
Bugera 412 (Cabinet)
Peavey VTX Classic 212 (Combo)
Laney Mini-ST Lionheart Practice Amp

sabasgr68 wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 7:37 am Congrats, enjoy both of them! (and Happy Birthday!).

Guitar is a beauty.

Now, if you´re a person who loves to play music and guitars, I can understand that your mom would have thought of giving you a guitar for birthday gift, but how could she give you an USB interface too? Is she a musician too? But my best bet is that you have a very good and close mom-son relationship, and that´s great! :) (For example, how she knew you like a single cut acoustic guitar and not a normal bodied guitar? Congrats for the greatest mom too! My mom knows I love music and guitars, but she couldn´t come with gifts like that on her won, I can tell you that!) ;)
Yeah she's had to listen to 20 years of me gushing over gear and surprisingly actually retained a decent amount, she'll get sly and ask things "for a friend" every now and then, or she'll straight up just ask "is this good?" And send lol me a link to something lol. We've got a great relationship though, she's always been inspirational and supportive of me and my hobbies. The interface truly was shocking, as I've only mentioned/expressed interest in them a few times in the last 2 or 3 years. Hope she doesn't think I'm gonna record her a song 🤣🤣🤣

Though I found out the Scarlett came with a license for abletone live lite, so I'm gonna be fiddling with that a little later.

But if any of you are ever looking into a good single-cut acoustic, at this point I'd definitely recommend one of these, still sounds bright and clear today too, and I'm loving the neck, definitely keeps begging me to play it.
~Formerly LookingDownTheCross~
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Nice! You have a great mom. I think you'll find the Focusrite to be solid and dependable. I'd start by messing with the software that came with it, and also trying out as many other freely available packages (with good reviews) as you have patience for. Each has little differences in their workflows, and are better at some things than others. So finding the software that best supports how you would get the most benefit is a quest.
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Sweet! Happy Birthday!
Finally escaping the People's Republic of Kalifornia!

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Location: Where the Bluegrass Grows
Gearlist: -Guitars-
Gibson Dave Mustaine Flying V EXP
ESP LTD DV8R Dave Mustaine Signature Model
Agile AL3100
Kit Explorer
Jackson JS32RR
Samick Strat
Firefly Semi-Hollow Tele
Globe Dove Copy

Orange OR-15 (Head)
EVH 112 (Cabinet)
Bugera 1960 Infinium (Head)
Bugera 412 (Cabinet)
Peavey VTX Classic 212 (Combo)
Laney Mini-ST Lionheart Practice Amp

Thanks for the birthday wishes, it's right around the corner, and I'm already used to saying 30, but I guess I'll have to get used to not being wrong about it lol.

Got Ableton Live Lite setup, might post a little snippet or something if I come up with anything worth sharing.
Grabbed the Neural DSP Fortin Cali Suite earlier tonight too since it's on sale for 50% off. Been playing with that and a couple of the other trial plug-ins. But I got my tone and a couple of spares dialed in pretty thoroughly to my liking. 🤘🤘
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Thats nice. Congrats.
"The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted."
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Happy Birthday and NGD!

I also recommend MT Power Drumkit as a cheap (free demo) way to get drums in there. The demo version is fully functional (with irritating wait period at startup), but well worth paying for.
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HNGD and Happy bday
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Posts: 279
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Location: Where the Bluegrass Grows
Gearlist: -Guitars-
Gibson Dave Mustaine Flying V EXP
ESP LTD DV8R Dave Mustaine Signature Model
Agile AL3100
Kit Explorer
Jackson JS32RR
Samick Strat
Firefly Semi-Hollow Tele
Globe Dove Copy

Orange OR-15 (Head)
EVH 112 (Cabinet)
Bugera 1960 Infinium (Head)
Bugera 412 (Cabinet)
Peavey VTX Classic 212 (Combo)
Laney Mini-ST Lionheart Practice Amp

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You guys are gonna make me blush with all these birthday wishes lol.

@Milkman I'm definitely going to check that out, I still haven't played with ableton more than to just record an idea or two, but I've been craving a little bit of drum action for some of the ideas I have that are ready for that kind of love.
~Formerly LookingDownTheCross~
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Gearlist: SX Liquid. SX Hawk. Sawtooth Tele. Ibanez GAX70L. SX Callisto STD+. Ibanez miKro bass. Jay Turser Pbass. Carvin LB70L.

Belated happy birthday. Enjoy your new gear.
There's nothing more fun than new instruments and new gear.
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Location: Where the Bluegrass Grows
Gearlist: -Guitars-
Gibson Dave Mustaine Flying V EXP
ESP LTD DV8R Dave Mustaine Signature Model
Agile AL3100
Kit Explorer
Jackson JS32RR
Samick Strat
Firefly Semi-Hollow Tele
Globe Dove Copy

Orange OR-15 (Head)
EVH 112 (Cabinet)
Bugera 1960 Infinium (Head)
Bugera 412 (Cabinet)
Peavey VTX Classic 212 (Combo)
Laney Mini-ST Lionheart Practice Amp

Jaymo wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:46 pm Belated happy birthday. Enjoy your new gear.
There's nothing more fun than new instruments and new gear.
Hey now, my birthday's still SIX whole days away :lol: 🤣

But yeah man, I've been wearing this interface out after picking up the NeuralDSP Cali, and I've been breaking the acoustic in real gud when I'm not on that. Kinda cutting too far into bedtime though, I've been tired at work all week 😅
~Formerly LookingDownTheCross~
Posts: 203
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Gearlist: SX Liquid. SX Hawk. Sawtooth Tele. Ibanez GAX70L. SX Callisto STD+. Ibanez miKro bass. Jay Turser Pbass. Carvin LB70L.

LancerTheGreat wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:47 pm
Jaymo wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:46 pm Belated happy birthday. Enjoy your new gear.
There's nothing more fun than new instruments and new gear.
Hey now, my birthday's still SIX whole days away :lol: 🤣

But yeah man, I've been wearing this interface out after picking up the NeuralDSP Cali, and I've been breaking the acoustic in real gud when I'm not on that. Kinda cutting too far into bedtime though, I've been tired at work all week 😅
In that case, early happy birthday.
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Gearlist: My Gear:Electric
Gibson '13 studio dlx hsb
Gibson '79 flying V
Gibson '06 sg faded
Gibson '15 LP CM w gforce
Epiphone Casino coupe
Epiphone dot studio
Fender USA strat w mjt body _w Original body 81
Fender lead II
Firefly spalted 338
Squier affinity tele bsb
Squier strat std relic
Squier subsonic baritone
Agile al2500 albino
Agile al3001 hsb
Sx ash Ltd strat
Sx ash strat short scale
Sx ash tele
Sx callisto jr
Dean vendetta
Washburn firebird. Ps10
Johnson trans red strat
Johnson jazz box Vegas
Seville explorer
Inlaid tele
flametop bigsby tele wood inlaid neck

new Eastman acoustic
Sigma dm3 dread x2 (his and hers)
Fender 12 str
Ibanez exotic wood
Silvercreek rosewood 00
Ovation steel str
martin backpacker acoustic
Johnson dobro

Happy anniversary of your birthing. Shouldn't the moms get the birthday wishes? They did all the hard work. :)
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