The Schecter Society

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This is a whiskey lounge; let's grab a bottle and do some shots and talk about Schecters.
I really had no intention of owning a Schecter guitar. It all started with me wanting to try out a set of Zakk Wylde EMG pickups and was looking for a set to put in one of my Les Paul copies. At the time they were $200 and I'm cheap. So, look as I may a set didn't come my way. Then one day the gray Schecter was on Craig's list for $200 bucks and I bought it.

My 8-string isn't used for metal unless you call Tosin Abasi-ish licks metal. Nope, no where near that skill level, but I wanted to try one. Next string change I'm going to put my own set together and will be lighter than the lightest set you can buy now. I really don't care for the flubby sound big string, but it's a killer guitar.



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Not mine, but my son's. He bought this last summer (with a little help from dad) after mowing a lawn for an elderly friend and working his ass off at a charity event with me. Schecter Omen 6 Extreme:
LB schecter full.jpg
LB schecter body.jpg
LB schecter neck.jpg
LB schecter headstock.jpg
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BrianSkeezer wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 2:44 pm Not mine, but my son's. He bought this last summer (with a little help from dad) after mowing a lawn for an elderly friend and working his ass off at a charity event with me. Schecter Omen 6 Extreme:

LB schecter full.jpgLB schecter body.jpgLB schecter neck.jpgLB schecter headstock.jpg
Really nice looking guitar.
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Every time I see this thread my brain reads the title:
The Sphincter Society. :)
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I wasn't much of a Schectwr guy for a long time, but they got my atentoon with the Sun Valley Super Shredders and the original KM-7 models. Who knows, the right deal comes up and I could be joining this parade.
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I've had 5 or 6 Schecter and they were great guitars. If I wouldn't have tried to 40% everything I would still have a couple.

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I love my Schecters. Here are my main two:
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I do not currently own any Schecters, but have had two, and they were both excellent guitars. I would definetly be open to getting another if the right one came around
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Just joined the society, sea foam green on this Sun Valley Shedder called out to me.

Should be arriving right before the holiday break if it goes out tomorrow.

Only FR equipped guitar I owned was an AL.

Pics to follow pending NGD.

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10 years, 2 months, and 8 days of blissful ignorance ruined by that snake in the grass Major Tom.
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Finally! A guitar owners' group I can join!


I wanted a guitar with a Sustainer in it for the longest time, and I finally got one. Combined with all my silly VST effects, I can get some pretty cool ambient sound out of it. I feel I've barely scratched the surface as far as it's creative and odd recording capabilities are concerned. I was planning on building my own (of course), but then I found out that Sustainer pickups cast $300-$400 - if you can even find them sold separately.

This Sun Valley was a much better value in the long run. It has an "EMG RetroActive Hot 70" pickup, which is an active pickup that retains a passive pickup tone. It doesn't really do that, it kinda does it's own thing. Took a while before I learned how to dial it in.

I bought it from Sweetwater, and this bears mentioning because two of the tuning machines stripped gears the week I got it. I emailed my guy, and I had two replacements shipped out to me before the week ended - no charge.

I love ripping out EVH's "Year to the Day" on it - one of the only tunes of his I can (sort of) play.

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The common misconception about Schecter is that they only make metal guitars. The trio of Schecters I own that reference classic guitars are the exception to that rule. I picked up each of these 2nd hand at pawn shops. All are 2010ish models.

What's exceptional about these Schecters, apart from the quality of materials and construction of the "bones" of the instrument, is the quality of the hardware and electronics. These guitars came stock with components that people typically pay good money to upgrade with on an import.

Schecter Traditional Custom. 2015 model. No longer in production. Swamp ash body with flame maple top. Locking tuners. Alnico pickups. Wilkinson bridge with full sized trem block.

Schecter J-Plus Bass. No longer in production. Alder body. Grover tuners. Wilkinson bridge. Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder pickups. Active 18 volt EQ.

Schecter Solo 6 Custom. Mahogany body with maple cap. TonePros bridge and tailpiece. GraphTech nut. USA Seymour Duncan SH11 Custom Custom in the bridge and '59 in the neck (both can be split by pulling up on the master tone knob). Locking tuners with pearloid buttons. Ebony fretboard with mother-of-pearl split-crown inlays. Full sized Alpha pots and mechanical switch.
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I've got a couple and both are excellent as far as build quality is concerned. An old S-1 which is definitely in the SG class and that came stock with Duncan Designed HB-102s (JB/Jazz), The other is a TS/H-1 with minis:
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I just sold this 2005 Banshee.
I miss it.
Like @tobijohn 's but righty...
My current gas is for a PT Fastback...
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The one I have been looking for that it appears I missed was the Bass VI style.

Might have yo just build one to fulfill my desires.

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10 years, 2 months, and 8 days of blissful ignorance ruined by that snake in the grass Major Tom.
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I usually only let family and close friends even look at this Schecter Devil Spine piece of badassery .

DSCN1637 (2).JPG
DSCN1632 (2).JPG
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honyock wrote:Just joined the society, sea foam green on this Sun Valley Shedder called out to me.

Should be arriving right before the holiday break if it goes out tomorrow.

Only FR equipped guitar I owned was an AL.

Pics to follow pending NGD.

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I picked it up at lunch today, just opened the box after my afternoon walk and snack and found that there is an original molded Schecter Guitar Research case that fits this baby like a glove that was not called out or shown in the listing. Of course I didn't have my phone on my person to prove this...

Will work through the NGD post after I get home, but this went from a minor deal to a major steal from the looks of it.

I just cracked the case open, but I didn't want to spend too much time until I can plug it in a let her rip at home.

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10 years, 2 months, and 8 days of blissful ignorance ruined by that snake in the grass Major Tom.
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I don't currently don't own a Schecter either but I would really like to have a Solo 2 and at least play a PT.
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I like some of Schecter's more traditional or psuedo-retro designs. I've thought very seriously about picking up a custom shop PT or one of their vaguely S style guitars when they've been out used for about $1k'ish.
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I owned a C1 Plus at one time, but now my brother has it and won’t give it back. He has had it for a few years now. The Solo’s intrigued me before I played a couple. Both were very heavy, so the cured me of them.
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I'm going to make templates for Tempest and Ultra shapes... all because of this thread.
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My only offering is a Schecter Omen Diamond Series I put together about ten years ago. The original guitar was a black string through body. I really don't care for most string throughs and especially this one. So ebay to the rescue. I found an older body with a tailpiece. Changed out the HBs for a pair of Mean P90s and bonded with it quickly. Still have it. One of my favs.
Nice original color.
Nice original color.
Changed the truss rod cover.
Changed the truss rod cover.
Original Grovers I think.
Original Grovers I think.
P90s from GFS.
P90s from GFS.
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I don’t own a Schecter, but if I did it would be a PT Fastback IIB.
it’s just so damn sweet looking.
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