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Just waiting for the booster shot to come.
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Partscaster wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:48 pm The un-vaccinated, by choice or lack of supply, put the entire global population at greater risk as more variants will occur while covid spreads.
Delta variant is spreading through the vaccinated population just as fast as the unvaccinated. The vaccinated have better outcomes for themselves but they have the same viral load and are likely just as contagious and also just as likely to spawn the next variant.
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Got The Jabs last month while my wife was over in Europe visiting family. Sore arm for a few days but that's all. Even after getting the shots I STILL wear a mask when in public. While over there she saw what was happening with the Sputnik ineffectiveness first hand. The FACT that her sister in law passed away at 43 while she was there from COVID even after having gotten the Russian Jab and the horrendous death she had including surgery on her Brain to relieve swelling pressure, changed her mind real quick. She's home now and previously had fought me tooth and nail about getting hers. With Delta exploding here in FloriDuh and Guvna DeStupido being a complete and total asshat she got even more scared, appropriately. ALOT of young kids and teens are showing up in the hospitals here in Brevard County and they are running out of capacity to handle the load. With schools opening here I expect an explosion in cases with Teens and under 12 year olds. We go to Publix this morning for her first shot. At 68 I'm waiting for The Booster to be OK'd. Better safe than DEAD.
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A good friend of mine down in Paraguay got his second shot last Saturday morning abut 4:30 am.
He said he heard that 12000 doses arrived in the country on Friday afternoon so he contacted a friend of his who would be giving the shots.
She told him they would officially be giving the shots starting at 5:00 am but that she got there at 4:30 & if he was there then he could get it then.
So he got there at 4:00 am & found himself about 50th in line. When he got the shot, his reaction was:

"Libertad al fin, libertad al fin, Gran Dios Poderoso, libertad al fin."

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mickey wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:55 am "Libertad al fin, libertad al fin, Gran Dios Poderoso, libertad al fin."
First time I read that, I thought he was calling himself a "libtard" :lol:
If I had something witty to say, I'd put it here.
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RockYoWorld wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:05 pm
mickey wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:55 am "Libertad al fin, libertad al fin, Gran Dios Poderoso, libertad al fin."
First time I read that, I thought he was calling himself a "libtard" :lol:
I seriously doubt the term is even understood in Paraguay.
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Chocol8 wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:20 am
Delta variant is spreading through the vaccinated population just as fast as the unvaccinated. The vaccinated have better outcomes for themselves but they have the same viral load and are likely just as contagious and also just as likely to spawn the next variant.
Those are good points I had not all considered. I knew the vaccinated could get delta and generally fair better. The aspect of spawning new variants just as well as the sicker unvaccinated, I had not thought about. It makes sense.
Makes me think we are all in for some worse variants.
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Partscaster wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:35 pm
Chocol8 wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:20 am
Delta variant is spreading through the vaccinated population just as fast as the unvaccinated. The vaccinated have better outcomes for themselves but they have the same viral load and are likely just as contagious and also just as likely to spawn the next variant.
Those are good points I had not all considered. I knew the vaccinated could get delta and generally fair better. The aspect of spawning new variants just as well as the sicker unvaccinated, I had not thought about. It makes sense.
Makes me think we are all in for some worse variants.
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Partscaster wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:35 pm
Chocol8 wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:20 am
Delta variant is spreading through the vaccinated population just as fast as the unvaccinated. The vaccinated have better outcomes for themselves but they have the same viral load and are likely just as contagious and also just as likely to spawn the next variant.
Those are good points I had not all considered. I knew the vaccinated could get delta and generally fair better. The aspect of spawning new variants just as well as the sicker unvaccinated, I had not thought about. It makes sense.
Makes me think we are all in for some worse variants.
Did just read this from 5 days ago, Not sure how to take the first point, but the second seems clear.

" ..., a new study from Imperial College London suggests that unvaccinated people are three times more likely than those who are fully vaccinated to test positive for COVID-19. Researchers also said fully vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus to others."

good info. ... ted-people
"The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted."
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Partscaster wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:35 pm
Those are good points I had not all considered. I knew the vaccinated could get delta and generally fair better. The aspect of spawning new variants just as well as the sicker unvaccinated, I had not thought about. It makes sense.
Makes me think we are all in for some worse variants.
There is a lot of disinformation out there in general. A lot of people don’t even understand how vaccines work in general. No vaccine “kills” a virus like antibiotics do to bacteria. They train your immune system to kill the real virus either by introducing a weakened version of the real thing, or with the mRNA technology a generated facsimile of sorts. And just like every other vaccine, none of them are 100 percent effective. Look at seasonal flu vaccines - some years they are less than 50% effective.

And as far as variants go, people seem to also forget that this is a global / endemic virus. Even if the vaccine were 100 percent effective and 100 percent of Americans got it, billions of people around the globe never will. Mutations can and will happen, and already have. Look at influenza as a prime example. And all the other diseases that have been eradicated from western cultures but still ravage underdeveloped nations.

Bottom line COVID is here to stay, how we choose to manage it is what will determine our fate surrounding it.
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uwmcscott wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:07 pm Bottom line COVID is here to stay, how we choose to manage it is what will determine our fate surrounding it.
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uwmcscott wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:07 pm
Partscaster wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:35 pm
Those are good points I had not all considered. I knew the vaccinated could get delta and generally fair better. The aspect of spawning new variants just as well as the sicker unvaccinated, I had not thought about. It makes sense.
Makes me think we are all in for some worse variants.
There is a lot of disinformation out there in general. A lot of people don’t even understand how vaccines work in general. No vaccine “kills” a virus like antibiotics do to bacteria. They train your immune system to kill the real virus either by introducing a weakened version of the real thing, or with the mRNA technology a generated facsimile of sorts. And just like every other vaccine, none of them are 100 percent effective. Look at seasonal flu vaccines - some years they are less than 50% effective.

And as far as variants go, people seem to also forget that this is a global / endemic virus. Even if the vaccine were 100 percent effective and 100 percent of Americans got it, billions of people around the globe never will. Mutations can and will happen, and already have. Look at influenza as a prime example. And all the other diseases that have been eradicated from western cultures but still ravage underdeveloped nations.

Bottom line COVID is here to stay, how we choose to manage it is what will determine our fate surrounding it.
I'm much better looking with a mask anyway....
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I wish they would be clear and honest on "the science".
There are lots of things they are leaving out to push this particular narrative.

There is other legitimate information out there regarding natural immunity, adverse vaccine reactions, mask effective /ineffectiveness, etc.
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Partscaster wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:23 pm " ..., a new study from Imperial College London suggests that unvaccinated people are three times more likely than those who are fully vaccinated to test positive for COVID-19. Researchers also said fully vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus to others."
I think that is complete BS as it conflicts with other studies. I do know from a very good source that 75% of the positive tests locally in the last two weeks were vaccinated individuals. Guess what percentage of our local population is vaccinated. OTOH, I believe 100% of the new local hospitalizations were non-vaccinated. Those two number make a strong case to get vaccinated for yourself and not to rely on herd immunity to make this go away.

On the plus side, Delta is less lethal and the general history of viruses is that they evolve into more transmissible but less lethal forms. COVID will likely never be truly over, but there will be a point where we can and need to stop worrying about it. We may already be there, or at least real close…if you are vaccinated.
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Bottom line COVID is here to stay, how we choose to manage it is what will determine our fate surrounding it.

I think Covid is in the Rhino and coronavirus family just like the common cold, these constantly mutate so I really expected it would become a booster shot situation just like the flu shot but hopefully more effectivel. I'm sure counting on it keeping me safe for awhile, I really feel for those in poorer country's which do not have access to this protection.
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Chocol8 wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:47 am On the plus side, Delta is less lethal
Do you have data/reputable studies to share that confirms that? Not trying to be argumentative -genuinely curious and hopeful that it is true.

I have been relying mostly on the advice and recommendations of the regional healthcare network and physicians where I work fit guidance. Based on their surge planning efforts last time around and current data, they are planning for a twofold increase in peak hospitalizations and deaths with the peak coming late September to early October. With our state at about 55% fully vaccinated, that must mean that they feel Delta is either grossly more transmissable, or more deadly if you do the math.
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There is still a bunch of conflicting info on delta lethality, but simply look at the cases graphs and the deaths graphs. As delta is spreading cases have been surging up in all 50 states but deaths have not surged the same way, even accounting for lag. Some of that may be due to a lot of Delta victims having had vaccines and or previous infections so I think it is too early for conclusive peer reviewed studies.
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I would assume mortality will be likely lower with delta because the easily picked prey have had vaccinations that should provide better outcomes and we have a little better evidence on treatments that should still be effective against the Rona as a whole.

If it is more easily transmissible the numbers of infected could still overwhelm the healthcare systems, leading to more and more bad outcomes as cases skyrocket.

This is why vaccinations are so important and I don't understand why it is so hard to explain to people abstaining from vaccinations. I guess my background in statistics precluded me from understanding the reluctant folks with no good reason not to get vaccinated.

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10 years, 2 months, and 8 days of blissful ignorance ruined by that snake in the grass Major Tom.
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Case counts are starting to rise in our area, and I have heard that 25 percent of parents in our area are noy vaccinated, with school starting in around a month.

It boggles my mind that anyone would be against something that is clearly in their best interests, and in the best interests of their children. Take one for the freaking team people!

My kids are too young to get vaccinated at this point.
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Rollin Hand wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:05 pm Case counts are starting to rise in our area, and I have heard that 25 percent of parents in our area are noy vaccinated, with school starting in around a month.

It boggles my mind that anyone would be against something that is clearly in their best interests, and in the best interests of their children. Take one for the freaking team people!

My kids are too young to get vaccinated at this point.
I hear you and I don't disagree and we are vacinated since the day we could.
However I try to play angels advocate and think
The World is flat and the center of the Universe.
Tomatoes are poisonous.
Just make the sale of alcohol illegal and it will solve all our problems.

I am leary of "common sense."
We have a problem in USA and with News entertainment about donkey crap eaters think donkey crap is better than elephant crap; and elephant crap eaters think elephant crap is better than donkey crap.
There are people who refuse blood products, I can't judge their beliefs. And if you accuse someone who belongs to the most peaceful religion of not being peaceful, they will kill you.
It is really easy for me to accept that anti-vacer have beliefs that differ from mine and it will have a negative affect on me.
Rinse and repeat.
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Rollin Hand wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:05 pm It boggles my mind that anyone would be against something that is clearly in their best interests,
None of the vaccines are 100% safe, and none have received FDA approval. The rate of serious side effects appears low, but the government is actively trying to suppress any real data on what the rates are. That helps reinforce the concerns. Further, as the vaccines are only approved under EUA, those who have negative reactions are not eligible to seek compensation though traditional vaccine court as you can with any FDA approved vaccines. On the flip side, the risk from the disease is also extremely low, especially for anyone young enough to have school age kids. It’s still not at all clear when and for whom the risk from the virus exceeds the risk from the vaccines. I know a ton of people under 60 who have tested positive, and the worst case was sick and fatigued for a whopping 3 days. He was actually the youngest at 23, so go figure Anyway, if you don’t think there are legitimate concerns that might outweigh the benefits for some people, you are drinking just as much koolaide as the anti-vaccers.

I say all this as someone whose entire family, including teens, got vaccinated as soon as we each could. We picked our side and placed our bets, but it wasn’t a black and white decision.
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I have a few things I'd like to add, as a front line health care worker in the middle of this since it started.

1. The biggest issue I have is the push by some people and the govt to place blame on the unvaccinated. The virus can be spread just as easily from a vaccinated person vs a non vaccinated person. The science seems to point to vaccinated having less serious symptoms but, we all can spread it the same. ... 08057.html

2. Vaccines seem to lower your risk of having an issue with the virus but, everyone should not automatically get vaccinated. If you've already had the virus, your natural immunity you've developed via antibodies/etc will outweigh any benefit you get from the vaccine. This is another item that makes me wonder why the govt blindly pushes vaccines on everyone prior to antibody/t cell testing. ... ssion=true

3. I've met multiple young healthy people that now have life altering issues from the vaccines. 1 healthy 40 year old is now on blood thinners for blood clots, 1 other healthy mid 40s now has guillan-barre, another late teens male now with pericarditis.
It's the exception not the rule, but still something to consider if your risk is very low to begin with.

4. My understanding is that a virus will not be as strong as it mutates. It's been 20 years since my college biology and anatomy but I've not seen anything to indicate otherwise. A copy of an original, will not be as vibrant as the original. I could be wrong but that's what I've gathered.

5. My experience with the senior population I work with is that the ones with excellent vitamin D levels, do very well, unless they have serious co-morbidities. The govt is not pushing enough for people to take care of their vitamin D, C, and zinc levels.
The science behind zinc and hydroxychlorequine is that if there is enough zinc present in your body, zinc will occupy your cells preventing covid from occupying them. Hydroxychlorequines role in that is that it makes your cells more permeable to zinc, giving your body more opportunity to absorb zinc blocking covid from entering your cells... similar to SSRI drugs enabling your body to more easily use available serotonin.

6. Pfizer is a fraudulent dishonest company that already had to pay the largest settlement ever for a pharmaceutical company for fraud. Over 2 billion. ... ts-history

7. Does anyone know the connection between variants and the vaccines? Were there variants prior to the ramp up in vaccines in January/Feb? Just curious, not being snarky.

8. I trust Fauci as much as I trust a Russian hooker. Why is the NIH and Fauci funding research on making a virus that can only infect bats, transferable to humans...that's a real head scratcher.

I do not fault anyone for deciding to get or not get the vaccine and i also won't fault anyone that chooses to wear or not wear a mask as well. I'm not anti vacc or anti mask, just really confused about some of the statements and decisions made by our govt.

In the end, do what you feel is best for you.
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pfizer themselves do not mandate that all their employees get the 'vaccine' fearing that just one whistle blower could blow the lid off .
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Buddha Pickups wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:21 pm
7. Does anyone know the connection between variants and the vaccines? Were there variants prior to the ramp up in vaccines in January/Feb? Just curious, not being snarky.

8. I trust Fauci as much as I trust a Russian hooker. Why is the NIH and Fauci funding research on making a virus that can only infect bats, transferable to humans...that's a real head scratcher.
There were variants long before the vaccines. Delta didn’t appear until after we had vaccines in the US, but it first appeared in India before most of their population had access to vaccines. I don’t think there is any connection between current variants and vaccines. That might change, but whether we build natural immunity or vaccine immunity, viruses are going to keep mutating. It’s what they do.

As for Fauci, we know from released emails and other documents that he has routinely lied to the public in order to influence behavior, going back long before COVID. Also, before he became a TV celebrity, he was not well respected among infectious disease experts. Quite the opposite. I have two cousins who are MD/PhD’s in infectious disease and neither have a single nice thing to say about the guy. People who are even average in their fields don’t spend 4 decades as a government bureaucrat, and people with morals don’t rise that high and last that long in government agencies.

As for US taxpayers funding research, ANY research, in a Chinese lab, I can’t believe there isn’t more public outcry! The fact that we were funding research into viruses jumping from species to species in cooperation with the Chinese communist government, and the way they ran the funds indirectly to try and hide it should be cause for a major investigation. Won’t happen because it occurred under the watchful eye of both political parties, and no one in DC wants the public to know what they did.
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My kids go back to school next Wednesday, one is vaccinated, one is too young. It will be interesting. Broward County Public Schools have a mask mandate, but kids will be kids, so I am not sure how long that will hold up.

Palm Beach went back to school Wednesday of this week: ... tine-covid

440 students quarantined, 131 positive cases. Roughly .065%.

I did the math and for my son's elementary school that would equate to roughly 3 students and for my other son's middle school that equates to roughly 4 students.

Hopefully at this stage in the game if the kid isn't feeling well, the parents have some form of care so they aren't forcing them to go to school sick.
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