I could have sworn I started a mashup thread on the new site but I can't find one sooo apparently not. Many of you probably don't care much for mashups (if the lack of activity in the mashup thread on the old site was any indicator) but I love them when done right so what the hell.
Today we'll start with a brand new one, which is also a total gem, from my fav creator of mashups, Bill McClintock. Absolutely mad skills involved here, folks.
"What is perfect pitch?"
"Perfect pitch is when you toss a banjo into the dumpster, it hits an accordion and they both break."
glasshand wrote: ↑Tue May 25, 2021 12:19 pm
Bill McClintock is some kind of mad genius. It's hard for me to even pick a favorite, but right now I'm really into "Killed by Exodus":
Stone.Cold.Genius... How have I missed this one? This is a prime example of mashup artistry.
Thanks for sharing man!
"What is perfect pitch?"
"Perfect pitch is when you toss a banjo into the dumpster, it hits an accordion and they both break."
I actually liked the Motorhead/Bob Marley one... Mashups caught my attention for about 5 minutes the first time I became aware of them. Most of them seem to be done for humor value, and a lot of them aren't done very well, or are a bit of a stretch. Not many (that I've seen) have actual musical merit, where it actually sounds like one cohesive song, and you don't feel like your brain is being pulled in two (or more) different directions. The other two were alright, but "Killed by Exodus" really sounds like it could have been written and arranged that way.
Finally escaping the People's Republic of Kalifornia!
I don't think this one is quite as natural as Killed By Exodus, but it's still really damn good. I would love to try this at karaoke, but I don't think I have the voice to pull it off.
glasshand wrote: ↑Wed May 26, 2021 11:35 am
I don't think this one is quite as natural as Killed By Exodus, but it's still really damn good. I would love to try this at karaoke, but I don't think I have the voice to pull it off.
Yesss! This one is a classic.
"What is perfect pitch?"
"Perfect pitch is when you toss a banjo into the dumpster, it hits an accordion and they both break."
My band did its own mashup: we realized that one of our songs works perfectly with the lyrics to the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song. So that's what we sing at practice now...