Boss GT-8 again...I can't see I'd need anything better

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Really, I don't think I could get any better a sound by any means than what I get just with the Boss GT-8. It's fine. I can play anything from ACDC rock to Metallica and more.

All I really need is a pickup I like, a little overdrive - even that doesn't matter so much what kind, as long as it has enough clarity and can give a mild crunch - a wee bit of compression to keep it lively and accentuate the crunch, and a clean amp. I don't use much gain or saturation at all, even for leads.

Here's the settings I have:

Boss GT-8:
Stack Overdrive, drive 14, tone -50
Compressor, default
EQ +4dB boost low/low middle
Reverb Hall2 fx vol 2

Blackstar HT-20r Mk2 clean channel tone at 11 o'clock (speaker Eminence Red White and Blues)

Epiphone Flying-V w/Gibson 490t humbucker

I'm using the exact same sound but direct to a Mooer Radar which gives me a power amp and speaker emulation, and it's basically just the same...only easier to record a properly in-your-face sound without too much room, such as the cell phone microphone picks up here:

Grunge lives!
Real name: Antti Heikkinen Location: Finland
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Yep it dies the job
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Congrats! It's such a relief when you finally have the gear/sound that you are going after. You can spend less time shopping and tweaking and more time playing!
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sounded good to me!
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