NoGD: Tele Tuesday! 2007 Fender FSR Limited Edition Natural Ash Tele

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Well a week late anyway.
After reading the thread about ash shortages for guitars got me gassing for an ash tele.
I found the first Fender I've seen on my local CL in 8 or 9 years, we get some Squier's but mostly Starcaster big box store GSO's so it was exciting to fing. But after leaving several emails I never got a reply and ended up getting the SX Callisto STD+ instead.

He finally responded a month later saying he had been traveling... uh huh ok sure bud I'll bite. Pulled the guitar out of a slightly musty smelling case and it was a bit worn but seemed sound so I finally got an ash tele at a low price.

Best I can tell it must have been on a stand in a careless teenagers room for a long time as there are dents in the frets and a nastily dented neck pickup cover so someone or thing repeatedly kept hitting the front. The back looks fresh out of the box new so wasn't play wear, the frets are dinged and tarnished but level. The finish on the front of the fretboard and edges is chipped and scuffed but with a nice reliced feel, I've always disliked brand spanking new Telecasters for me they just have too be beat up a little bit so I liked the feel.

Again the back of the neck is spotless but Literally every fret tang is sticking out so a filing it did get. First order of business was a proper 3 saddle bridge so I removed the 4 screws and it wouldn't budge in the slightest, thoughts of a repair with super glue horrified me but after careful prying it finally lifted and... Oh Sweet Mama!!! Anyone who has lived with cats knows the ungodly smell with which I had been assailed, a thick dark yellow crust of cat urine had soaked in under the bridge. Luckily after thorough scraping and disinfecting it no longer smells thank goodness and all is well again.

It's a Guitar Center & Musician's Friend exclusive 2007 Fender FSR Limited Edition Natural Ash Telecaster.

It's not a Lite Ash at 8lbs 5oz but definitely better than most other brands 10+ pounders.
It came with a nice Roadrunner brand case and the bridge swap really opened up the sound with great sustain and twang unplugged, I feel the Tex-Mex pickups leave a bit to be desired though so an upgrade may be in its future but for now it's definitely a keeper.
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Congrats! It is gorgeous!
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Great looking Tele! Congrats.
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Nice! I do dig the ash... Probably my favorite "tonewood" at this point. Ash-bodied guitars may start selling at a premium when supplies start to dry up (even with cat pee), so you may have an investment piece there. :)

I consider any guitar made of non-swamp ash that weighs less than 9lbs to be "light".
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I remember those. Congrats man! Beauty!
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"Perfect pitch is when you toss a banjo into the dumpster, it hits an accordion and they both break."
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