95K worth of Adam Jones Les Paul Silverburst Stolen from Sweetwater

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Gear_Junky wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 9:34 pm
slowhand84 wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:34 pm To be fair, the real thieves are Gibson for trying to charge what they do in the first place for this guitar.
then again, someone's paying what they charge :roll:
Oh for sure, lid for every pot as they say...and people will always shell out for special edition stuff. Trust me I have no quarrel with expensive guitars, just a little tongue in cheek joke cuz Gibson of all companies really loves to hike prices, and they’ll continue doing it so long as people pay up.
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slowhand84 wrote: Fri Nov 06, 2020 10:41 am
Gear_Junky wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 9:34 pm
slowhand84 wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:34 pm To be fair, the real thieves are Gibson for trying to charge what they do in the first place for this guitar.
then again, someone's paying what they charge :roll:
Oh for sure, lid for every pot as they say...and people will always shell out for special edition stuff. Trust me I have no quarrel with expensive guitars, just a little tongue in cheek joke cuz Gibson of all companies really loves to hike prices, and they’ll continue doing it so long as people pay up.
I am actually all for that. For example, if Fender squeezes as much as they can from those buying their high end guitars AND use some of it to bring us plebes high quality imports (like Squier Classic Vibe) at reasonable prices - I am all for it. I think Gibson does it with Epiphone as well, albeit at somewhat higher prices, but they do also have decent entry-level offerings.
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toomanycats wrote: Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:25 am Here's a crazy thought: Could this possibly be a publicity stunt? Here we are all now talking about this story, hyping it up. I'm researching and writing about it, when I don't particularly like TOOL and would never buy that guitar. We've even made @Mickey aware of it when he clearly has no interest in the guitars whatsoever. The guitars make their way back to Gibson and are recycled, or are mysteriously "found" somewhere. No harm done, but now everyone knows that there's a new Adam Jones guitar available and everyone wants it. Nawwww . . . that's pretty thin.
I agree, in fact, at this point I am convinced. This is a tried-and-true - when something is "stolen", it communicates that it's "valuable".

Antoine-Augustin Parmentier was trying to popularize the potato in XVIII century France, after he got to liking it as a POW in Germany. One of the publicity stunts was to post armed guards around his potato garden creating the appearance of something valuable, but then the guards were removed at night to allow theft of the plants. Likewise the guards were also told to accept bribes in case someone wanted to steal the potatoes.

Potatoes are nutritious and delicious. What value do silverbursts have? :mrgreen:
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I love all the silverbust slagging in here. I thought I was the only one who didn't really care for them.

But now Ima get kicked outta the club, somewhere, sometime back, I vaguely recall seeing some model guitar in a silverburst finish that I actually liked.
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I don't know that I give much credence to the publicity stunt theory. Publicity for who, Gibson? Does Gibson need the publicity? Tool? Sweetwater? Do any of them really need the publicity from "a bunch of guitars got stolen"? 2020's been a really good year for guitar sales, and Gibson's at or near the top of the heap, and I imagine Sweetwater's seen some of the benefits from that too. (No idea about Tool, although if your guitarist's signature model is going for almost $10K I don't imagine you're doing too badly.) And whoever did it would very likely be looking at criminal charges, for some combination of grand larceny, falsely reporting a crime, insurance fraud*, etc. Also, from the reports, it sounds like all of the guitars were already ordered and paid for.

* It would look even more suspicious if they didn't make an insurance claim.
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glasshand wrote: Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:07 pm I don't know that I give much credence to the publicity stunt theory. Publicity for who, Gibson? Does Gibson need the publicity? Tool? Sweetwater? Do any of them really need the publicity from "a bunch of guitars got stolen"? 2020's been a really good year for guitar sales, and Gibson's at or near the top of the heap, and I imagine Sweetwater's seen some of the benefits from that too. (No idea about Tool, although if your guitarist's signature model is going for almost $10K I don't imagine you're doing too badly.) And whoever did it would very likely be looking at criminal charges, for some combination of grand larceny, falsely reporting a crime, insurance fraud*, etc. Also, from the reports, it sounds like all of the guitars were already ordered and paid for.

* It would look even more suspicious if they didn't make an insurance claim.
Publicity for this event/fact: https://www.guitarworld.com/news/gibson ... -guitarist

Of which personally I'd never be aware, but now am :mrgreen: Don't you worry about falsely reporting a crime, insurance fraud, etc. When something like this is done, no laws are truly broken. We're just seeing a "news report" (those are now widely understood to always be a lie anyway), there's no duty to report truth. Whether or not a true police report or insurance claim were made - we are not necessarily in position to find out. Recent history is filled to the brim of such things (nobody ever goes to jail or even accused of any crime).
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Bid now! Wrong serial number of the stolen ones but makes you wonder who would donate this.

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I think It's good they're remaking them for the buyers. I'm not going to worry much about the stolen ones because I'm sure none were lefties, and I don't tend to buy signature guitars.
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Gearlist: My Gear:Electric
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Epiphone Casino coupe
Epiphone dot studio
Fender USA strat w mjt body _w Original body 81
Fender lead II
Firefly spalted 338
Squier affinity tele bsb
Squier strat std relic
Squier subsonic baritone
Agile al2500 albino
Agile al3001 hsb
Sx ash Ltd strat
Sx ash strat short scale
Sx ash tele
Sx callisto jr
Dean vendetta
Washburn firebird. Ps10
Johnson trans red strat
Johnson jazz box Vegas
Seville explorer
Inlaid tele
flametop bigsby tele wood inlaid neck

new Eastman acoustic
Sigma dm3 dread x2 (his and hers)
Fender 12 str
Ibanez exotic wood
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Ovation steel str
martin backpacker acoustic
Johnson dobro

Thank God it was only Silverbursts :)
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I know, right? It could have been so much worse.
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mozz wrote:Bid now! Wrong serial number of the stolen ones but makes you wonder who would donate this.

Shop goodwill is about the worst place to buy anything. Their auctions seem to always exceed market value and their shipping prices are criminal.

And a silverburst for all you haters. :)


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That looks more like a blob than a burst!
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