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Replacing nut

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:40 pm
by t100d
I have a lovely blond Doiuglas WNO, but the high E string seems to be too close to the end of the fingerboard, so that the string sometimes pulls over the edge around the 8th or 9th fret. I've adjusted the trapeze tailpiece, but over time the floating bridge creeps slightly, which I think is because of the nut.

Wanting to save myself a minimum of $80 luthier time, I decided to order a bone Gretsch nut and attempt to replace it myself.
I've not done this before, so any and all suggestions and tips would be very welcome ...

Re: Replacing nut

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:29 am
by mozz
Measure twice cut once. Tusq makes really nice ones, you have to measure the height, width, spacing etc. Bottom also might be flat or curved. They make string spacing rulers which are very nice to have. But, that all being said, you might be better off bringing it somewhere than investing in the tools.