PSA Lefty Agile Acoustic @GC

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Round back acoustic Image

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10 years, 2 months, and 8 days of blissful ignorance ruined by that snake in the grass Major Tom.
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Round back guitars do not work with my round front!!! :D
Gandalf the Intonationer
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Unfortunately, for me Rondo's offerings don't get me coming back very often these days so I didn't look for an old listing so thanks for looking that up @honyock in fact I would like to try an Agile 6 steel string acoustic but you never see them for sell and it appears that Rondo has gone out of the Agile business before he sells the brand. By the way @mickey at 267 lbs I resemble that remark
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Do I disremember, as Mickey would put it, or was there an acoustic Agile Tree Of Life way on back? I was thinking of that model the other day out of the blue.
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devdem wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:06 pm Do I disremember, as Mickey would put it, or was there an acoustic Agile Tree Of Life way on back? I was thinking of that model the other day out of the blue.
You mean the EP-1 ???
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Gandalf the Intonationer
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Yeah that's it! They invested a lot of tie on the design work on that guitar. I wonder who really made it.
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Lots of Agiles for sale on gc, more than I'd have figured.
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devdem wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:32 pm Yeah that's it! They invested a lot of tie on the design work on that guitar. I wonder who really made it.
I dunno but mine was a $99 C-Stock!
The holes in the bridge were mis-drilled and I had to have a luthier fill & re-drill them in the correct location.
He noticed in that process that the bridge plate was spruce plywood, so he removed & replaced it with a solid piece of rosewood.
Bottom line, I spent about $400 repairing a $99 guitar!
I sold it to a guy up in Canada shortly thereafter.
Gandalf the Intonationer
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devdem wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:36 pm Lots of Agiles for sale on gc, more than I'd have figured.
Mostly overpriced so a lot of the ones you're seeing up now have been up for months and months. Sometimes you can catch a really great deal, but they tend to be overpriced more often than not.
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