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Weird rigs

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:53 pm
by helsinkirocks
So since COVID I've primarily been using amplitude and di software for recording, I haven't played live in 7 years so i hadn't been terribly bothered with having physical amps.

But here lately, I've been having that itch, and I've kind of been putting together a rig of what I've still got left.

So, I'm running an old Peavey MP-4 mixing amp i got for $25 on marketplace as a head on a custom 4x12 cabinet that I won at auction years ago for $18 bucks with different, but all no name speakers.
Currently running a small clone chorus, and small stone phaser. It honestly sounds really good clean. I only have an old DS-1 distortion pedal I'm looking to change, it sounds good, but not what I'm looking for.

What kind of weird rigs are you guys using?


Re: Weird rigs

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:45 am
by toomanycats
I've learned to never underestimate solid state Peavey gear. For dirty tones I'd recommend some kind of Marshall in a box pedal that emulates an amp and will allow your head and cab to be just a PA (which it actually is in your case).

Over the years I've posted about different weird rigs of mine on this forum. My weirdest was an Archer telephone listener, probably from Radio Shack in the 70s or 80s. Very cool lo-fi tones.

Re: Weird rigs

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:48 am
by helsinkirocks
toomanycats wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:45 am I've learned to never underestimate solid state Peavey gear. For dirty tones I'd recommend some kind of Marshall in a box pedal that emulates an amp and will allow your head and cab to be just a PA (which it actually is in your case).

Over the years I've posted about different weird rigs of mine on this forum. My weirdest was an Archer telephone listener, probably from Radio Shack in the 70s or 80s. Very cool lo-fi tones.
yeah i was looking into some kind of amp modeler pedal, but i havent made any picks yet just watching youtube videos